Navy Dads


Pass In Review Attire



I'm new to this, and was wondering if anyone had any suggestion as to what my wife and I should wear to the ceremony? My son is graduating on Friday 10/24.

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something warm for outer wear, getting cooler in Chi town. Business casual is fine. you want to look good for your sailor. Nothing too fancy...I saw everything from jeans and tees to suits so go figure...
I wore some decent slacks and a sport coat, but as Craig said....I saw a pretty amazing variety there. Check the weather!!! There is a cold front monving that way and with the lake there is can get pretty darn cold!!!! Also be sure to check out the PIR-tips and hints group....I expect you to add your share of tips when you come back down to earth after your sailor's PIR!!! Paul
I'd say maybe a tux. I wanted to go with the James Bond look but my wife wouldn't let me. Then I wanted to wear a cut off sleeveless shirt but she didn't go for that either. In all seriousness I wore what I would have worn to church or to play golf. Khaki pants and a nice polo shirt. As Craig said every attire go's. My advice is to wear something comfortable. If you get there early to beat the traffic as we did you will be sitting for a couple of hours waiting.
I agree with the others that have already commented. Everythig from jeans To suits and dresses. Be comfortable. You will most likley be sitting for awhile. It will be cool at Great Lakes.
For anyone in the future that is wondering about choice of clothing, there is no dress code. I chose middle ground, dockers and a polo shirt, my wife, slacks a nice sweater. Alot of guys wore jeans, sneakers and military ball cap and sports jacket. If you wear a suit you will definitely be out of place. Everyday wear to nice casual attire is the norm. We were there on 12/5/08 and it was about 7degrees outside. Even with the big garage door going up and down to let the divisions march in, it stayed very comfortable inside the hall. The setup in this building is perfect for it's purpose. You will enjoy it..............Rick
When we went to our daughter's PIR on 11Sept.09, I saw many young women in their 20's and 30's with miniskirts and minidresses way too short with stilletos. They honestly looked liked prostitutes!....They really looked inappropriate for the graduation.......(Just my opinion)!
we will be watching this post we would like to know also our son graduating 10/29
have a discussion in the PIR group on What To Wear To Graduation..... click for the link

My son asked me to wear my uniform for his graduation.  No so sure that a good idea.  Boot graduation is his day, not mine.  Any thoughts out there?




Ditto on that Jim, we saw former Sailors in uniform as well at my sons PIR. Dan, I say if it still fits, wear it. That would be a great pic to look back at one day, you and your son both in uniform at his Navy graduation, priceless!


Good Luck to you both during these boot camp days,

a ton of proud parents wear their uniform and take great pride in being the first to salute their son or daughter

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