

Statesville, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
Wes (Discharged on 8-17-09)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
ATO - Aviation Electronics Technician
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
I am a very proud mother of my sailor from Div. 223, Ship 11 - graduated June 20, 2008.
Seven years ago I began my dream career of teaching school. I am a Certified Teacher's Assistant & Substitute Teacher, currently enrolled in Western Govenors University as a Math Major/Teacher 5-12 to become a licensed educator.
I have 4 wonderful children, 1 son and 3 daughters ranging in age from 22 - 12 yrs. old. All of them continually bless me and make me proud in all they do and accomplish! Their names would be: Wesley (22 y.o.), Amber (19 y.o.), Makenzie (15 y.o.), and Shana (13 y.o.).
What Brought You To This Site:
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Proud & Supportive
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

Comment Wall:

  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Welcome Aboard Michele. If this photo is from June 20th than my son is the 4th one back in the far left side. It was awesome to see their division come in first. I was very proud myself. Thanks for joining and I hope this site will be helpful to you.
    navydads admin, EG
  • Michele

    When my son graduated high school I couldn't of been prouder, he was marked in high school as 'not going to graduate' because of judgements based on his appearance. . .I never gave up on Wes and I thank the good Lord Wes never gave up on himself! I couldn't contain my tears of joy on Navy graduation day. . . the film I recorded is proof of my excitement (I couldn't hold it still lol). With each step he takes in his life my pride of him grows bigger - Thank You Wes for being the son I have always dreamed of and knew you were!!
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Michele thanks for the kind words and know that mothers are always welcome. We were at the mall. My son has said alot of the guys will be joining to stay in touch. All of his free time has been checking out the base, beach, shopping, etc. When they finally settle they will use this site also to interact with each other. It's just going to take them a little time to slow down. Please feel free to pick our brains. We are here to help. My son is also headed for the flight deck. So let's share info on what we here. My son also doesn't seen to know what is going on yet. I quess it up to us parents to find out for them just like always. Keep in touch. EG
  • Kevin

    Welcome aboard Michele,
    Thanks for supporting Wes and providing him the encouragement to do so well and become a sailor! I retired as an ATC, which means I have about 24 years working on aviation electronics systems. It's a great job, whether you work on the flight deck (I was a Troubleshooter during my first Med cruise) or in the hangar.

    My first day on the deck I was following 2 experienced techs, and watched flight operations from the cockpit of an S-3 Viking. It looked like chaos and mayhem, but I later learned how much of a safety focus and how well planned the aircraft movements were. I spent most of a 6 month cruise working up there supporting flight operations.

    Be assured, he will not be on deck alone, if at all. Most of the time there's a team of plane captains, troubleshooters, trainees, quality assurance representatives (for safety issues), and a Chief working together to maintain and launch the aircraft. It is fast-paced, and there is the potential for danger, but good leadership keeps the crew safe.

    Please keep us informed of his progress through A school and into the fleet.

    Blessings, Kevin
    ps we live in Waxhaw!
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Michele your are not alone. Evan is an ABE working with launching and recovery of the aircraft. It will be dangerous just like any other job can be in the military. They do keep them sharp by rotating them out constantly. As long as our boys pay attention to the details and always keep their mind on the task at hand they will be fine. I will share all the info that I find with you as I learn it. Evan is as fresh as Wes. We will learn together. keep in touch. EG
  • Cindy

    Michele, Hi and welcome to Navy Dad's!! I am Cindy, the wife of E.G. and we welcome all Mom's, Dad's, Sister, brothers, Grandparents, Aunts, Unlces and extended family and friends. I have been reading all you have written. I am right there with you in your concern. You are a inspiration to so many of us moms and dads. Keep it up! Thanks again!
  • Cindy

    Hi, I know I wished I would have met you also. That day was so crazy for me my emmotions were like a roller coaster I was so glad to finally see my son and put my arms around him so I could see for myself he was ok. He was very quite at first then he came to life it was like WOW!! We stayed in Lincolnshire at the hilton it was nice there were others from our div. there also. I hope your son is doing good ours loves it I am just glad I can talk to him everyday now. He may get to come home this weekend we are praying sooooo hard for it. TTYL I need to start dinner and let my husband on Thanks!
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Hey Michele
    Evan is hoping for norfolk to go on the USS George Bush. He said it will take a world tour when it is finished. They will not have aircraft onboard for this tour. He said they would chopper them back and forth each day to other vessels to work their jobs. It Would be great if our kids could experience something like this. The first time at sea with a new aircraft carrier. That would be something to remember.
  • Pete Potter

    Hey Michelle,
    I feel like a rookie to all this. We did get "The Call" around 2:50am ( Florida Time) Since he was up at 5:00am that morning I can only imagine they never made it to bed.... No wonder they don't allow them to make contact till 2 weeks go by.... We are looking forward to the Letter.....
  • Cindy

    Hey, Yes Evan is about 4 hours away it is nice knowing he is that close I have not seen him yet hopefully he will get to come home. He has a girlfriend that is 30 min. from him so he has some contact with home still that is always a good thing.ttll
  • Kevin

    Hi Michele, how nice to actually hear from Wes! I am far enough removed from the new curriculum to be unsure about specifics, but from what I read it appeared that initial AT training is in GL and more advanced training in Pcola (course c-100-2017 or 2018). It looks like the O-level class (2018) is about 40 days long, and the I-level class (2017) is about 100 days long. Ask him what course number he is assigned to to verify, and it will probably amaze him that you know so much!
    Does he have a squadron or shipboard assignment yet? Usually they wait until about 2 weeks before graduation from "C" school to assign the actual "pipeline" training for the type of aircraft or shipboard test system. That means another few months in training for the specific avionics systems he'll be maintaining. Lots of training as an AT!
  • Kevin

    Hi Michele, what a great day! So glad you had communication again with Wes. He sounds like a good sailor- "I just do what I'm told!" His official orders from BUPERS will specify any training courses (or pipelines) he is assigned to, but don't worry about trying to collect the credits- he's doing that just by being there. I'm also glad that you're feeling more at ease with it all. Keep in mind (and I'm preaching to myself here also) not only does the Navy have a plan in work for his future, but even more so does our heavenly Father. And His plan and purposes are the best, and always for our good.

    I am also feeling the need to chat with my son, who was sick with a fever last Sunday and refusing SIQ (doesn't want to be set back again). We've been praying for him all week, but it's hard just sitting and waiting for (good) news. We received a letter yesterday, but it was written Sunday right before he called, so it's kinda rehash of the same info. We want to see him do well and succeed with this new career, but his health has been affected and his rating contract has changed twice. Luke is in His sovereign hands, as is Wes.

    Enjoy our independence from tyranny tomorrow, and thank a sailor! Kevin
  • Kevin

    Hi Michele, I need to get a little nit-picky with a comment you made. Not sure how every other Chief would respond, but I for one am not an Officer. Could have been, but passed up those opportunites to serve my sailors. Maybe it's a pride thing, but I earned my khakis after 14 years of hard work, and doing it the Navy way. Not just a 4 year degree and a few weeks of Officer indoc. One of the things I learned going through CPO training is that we are there not only to train and lead our sailors, but our junior officers as well. Show me a great officer (LT, LCDR, CDR, CAPT) and I'll guarantee you he has been mentored in some significant way, at some point in time, by "his Chief". No harm, no foul, no offense, just some insight. Rant off...

    By the way, I love your new personal photo of our flag. She's a beauty! Have a great weekend! Kevin
  • Kevin

    Yes, the Sailor's creed also looked excellent!
    My "nit-picky" was actually the comment calling me an officer...can understand the misunderstanding. Hope your 4th was great! Kevin
  • Retired NAVY Dad

    Thank you for the warm welcome. You are correct, I am very excited to see our son PIR. Like I told Chrystal my wife (also a Navy 4 Moms member), chances are pretty good that a big tough guy like me will be bawling like a little baby when we see Ron PIR.

    As for questions, please feel free to ask away. I am very proud to have served my country for over 20 years and, much like yourself, I am an educator too; I just teach about the things that I have knoweldge and passion about... our Navy is amognst one of them.

    Thanks again, I look forward to talking to you soon. Dave
  • Randy Collins

    Hi Michele, Glad to be aboard. Adam goes to boot camp Aug 28 and after graduation its on to Nuc School in Charleston. Once he is done with that training he has volunteered for submarine duty. He has a lot of hard work ahead of him but I know he can do it.
  • glen

    Michelle thanks for the hearty welcome. Its great to know that there are other parents who also are committed to supporting all our children who choose to defend our country.
    It wonderful to have someone and somewhere to turn for information and general support. Thanks again!
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Thanks Michele. I too am proud of our young men and women who serve. We are kind/sorta a military family. What I mean is, my dad was drafted in WWII, but was deferred. My brother was A.F. My wife's dad was Corps, her brother was Corps. Her sister married a Marine. I am a Navy vet. Both my sons did four years in NJROTC and now the older one is enlisted. The younger one has back problems and cannot pass the physical, but would join if he could. I look forward to PIR. I hope it will be more exciting than mine back in '79.
  • Retired NAVY Dad

    Great to hear from you. I was an instructor while active duty in the Navy and now my wife and I own our own home based travel agency business. I am not in the public school system, I teach adults how to supplement their income and work from home.

    The NJROTC program is a great opportunity for our kids to get a taste of what the Navy is like. Our son Ron did his first 3 years in High School in that program and it got him an automatic E-3 paygrade from Day 1 in bootcamp (basically and extra $600+ a month in adult terms). I highly recommend it to all kids regtardless if they want to join the military of not... teaches them a little bit of discipline.

    Have a great day. Look forward to talking again. Dave & Chrystal
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Michele it was great. All three were from California. Glad they had the chance to see that Mississippi isn't as bad as people make it out to be. We have a boat so we took them on the river most of the weekend. They were amazed at the lilly pads, gators, and crazy people on boats everywhere. They hadn't seen anything like it. Everyone here welcomed them with open arms. The sailors wore my wife and I out.PHEW! It was great seeing our son. We are so blessed to have him so close to home right now. We had american flags everywhere in the yard, hanging from the house, a navy flag flying, a banner and a sign on the door that said ( all roads lead to freedom ). They loved the welcome. They all had a great time and the pride of them being sailors really showed. So in a nut shell we wined and dined them and sent them back to Uncle Sam. Our Navy has some really fine boys. thanks for asking.
  • Kevin

    Hi Michele, there are several aviation ratings open to volunteer as aircrew. Some mechanical ratings (AD, AE, AM) can become Flight Engineers on the P-3 Orion. The FE is responsible for aircraft preflight, postflight, and necessary maintenance. They are trained as virtual experts in the engines, accessories, hydraulics, flight controls, fuel management, and electrical systems. In flight they assist the pilots with monitoring the gauges, recommending power lever settings, and transferring fuel between tanks. It's an important job with a lot of extra hours at work (usually nights and weekends when nobody else is around except the crew). Sometimes ATs can try for FE, but there are other options.

    If Wes is very athletic, loves to swim, and would like to be involved in rescue, he could try for Rescue swimmer. This would place him in helicopters, primarily.

    If he really likes troubleshooting and repairing avionics systems, he should try for In-flight Technician. I don't know if they are still training techs on the P-3 Orion, but that's a great aircraft to work on as an IFT. The new maritime patrol aircraft in development is a modified 737, but not sure if they're assigning crew to them yet. Another high tech aircraft is the TACAMO modified 707, which have a very high priority mission (meaning they'll always have money to fly). The P-3s, 737s, and 707s do not go aboard aircraft carriers, they are land based (US and overseas).

    Once he's partway through his avionics school at Pcola they'll ask the students to complete a "dream sheet" or duty preference form. Around that time he could ask about aircrew opportunities and learn about the specific requirements (flight physical, swim qual, aircrew school prerequisites, etc). If he wants to put forth more effort, and go above and beyond, it's a good opportunity...but the cost is more time away from home, and working in a close environment with people who may not share the same moral values.

    Does this answer your question? Blessings, Kevin
  • Cindy

    Hi Michele. It's nice to meet you, though I didn't intend to sneak past you! It's okay if you don't like the Cowboys. I enjoy watching GB because one (maybe two) of our BSU players is now a Packer, so I do cheer for GB as well. I also like the Panthers. Cowboys have it because when I was very little, I used to sit on my Grandpa's lap and cheer for the Cowboys. He was probably their greatest fan. That is until they fired Landry. He quit watching them after that. He passed away 4 1/2 years ago. I'd like to think he and Landry are having some great talks in Heaven!
    Morgan's PIR is 8/15. We just received his first two letters yesterday. I was about to go nuts. Other Mom's, whose sons entered after Morgan or the same time as him, had already received their letter. All those in his division are ready for their "freedom".
    He'll start A School immediately in GL. He's going into the health field. He was taking pre-requisite classes at North Seattle Community College to become an LPN before he decided he wanted to join the Navy. His dream, though, is to become a Pilot.
    He was also in Seattle to be a member of the UW Husky Men's Gymnastics Club. PT is too easy for him so he decided to start getting into a little trouble just to get IT. He said he thought the officers were on to him so he was going to have to change his tactics!
  • Cindy

    Hey Michelle how are you? I read what you wrote on ask a sailor. Evan is at the mall now I just talked to him, I believe Wes will be happy when he gets to Penn. Evan loves it and I am so glad. He has not classed up yet all his friends he went with have done so they start on Friday so hopefully Wes will get there soon so he can have a BC brother with him. Tell Wes to hang in there. ttyl
  • Cindy

    Michelle. I won't say anything to Morgan about A School being tougher! I was talking to a Mom on MySpace and she mentioned that her son had just passed his first phase of school in Pensacola. Has Wes mentioned anything about phases? I wonder if each school is a different set of rules. Wes has access to his cell and computer doesn't he? That would be freedom for Morgan! How I miss him, and his curly hair! He said it was really short.
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Hey Michele, I hate to hear that Wes is not getting much freedom. Just tell him to count down the days until Pensacola. From what we gather from Evan they get time off everyday. They can leave base, go to beach, shop, etc. I know Evan said the buildings are back to pre Katrina. With GL's it must be something with being so close to bootcamp. Maybe his instructors and always in bootcamp mode. Hope it gets better for him before he leaves. After what they went through in bootcamp they've earned some liberty in my book. Keep me posted. EG
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Hey Michele, I do think they are assigned to a fleet when they start school or when they finish school. Since Evan arrived in P-cola he thought he would start school the next week. and the next, and the next , and the next. Get my point. From what I have found in my research is that he will be on hold for 2-3 months and have heard of some kids who have been on hold 6 months. Evan thinks one way and I think the other. I beleive this could be the reason why the Navy is in no rush to send Wes and the others to P-cola. It seems to be the pattern in P-cola. They are stuck on the beach waiting. Not a bad thing. I hope Wes can make it down there soon. I know it is more laid back there. Also it is beautiful. He will love it when he makes it there. When Evan finally starts school he said it would be 17 days. Then home for a week or two and sent to his new home. Japan, Italy, etc. We do not know. He is hoping for norfolk, va on the USS George Bush.
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Nope he thinks he starts this Monday. He has been doing schooling for things they have to do and know. But his schooling for ABE has not started. He and Wes graduated together. PIR 6-20. He was told his school would start the following Monday 6-23. Nope not yet. On hold. He tells us every week "I start Monday". nope, on hold again. I think it takes time to fill a class to start training. If their are 28 kids on hold for ABE and need 50 to justify the cost of training them then O' well. They will wait. I'm sure someone will be number 49 and 50. No waiting for them. I'm not exact on the numbers but that's what I think is the problem. He will probably be there when Wes makes it. Or Wes will be on hold in GL until Evan's group leaves. Who knows. This is a big reason for this site. To help the others that follow behind us. We are Guinne Pigs! But so proud of our boys. They will eventually get settled. I have heard they will not have a place to call home for the first year in the Navy.
  • Cindy

    Thanks Michele. I am taking heart. These two sites have been such a blessing for me. Thanks for also mentioning about their small space. I feel guilty if, like today, I missed getting a letter out; so, I try and make up for it by writing more. I sent out a couple of 6 pgrs. I won't do that anymore! The first two weeks were absolutely horrible for me. Things are easier now, but I'm still waiting for that first phone call, to hear his chuckle, to hear the way he says 'hi'. There's never any time when he's not in my thoughts. I know that this was not a decision he made lightly, and it's in his blood (4th generation Navy). If it'd been Kelson going into the service, yeah, I could see that. Morgan? No way, although his 6th grade teacher said she could see him in the service. Anyway, thank you again for your encouragement and words.
  • Bob

    Thanks and keep in touch
  • Cindy

    I'm paring down the details of my day! His birthday is on the 30th, so I'm sending him a weekly card. This week will be from our dog! I absolutely love the fact that some of you Mom's have scriptures on your page. I bet you didn't care what time it was when you heard Wes' voice. Morgan said that they would be able to make a call 3-5 wks in. We received two letters in one day (Wed), that's been it. His PIR date is 8/15. Making reservations helps bring it closer. Morgan and I have always had a special connection, maybe its because he's my first. I don't know, but that's why it makes this no contact stuff so difficult. Every new adventure, and this is certainly one of them, helps us become stronger. God can take care of him much better than I. Morgan's leaning on his verse..."I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." I need to lean on that myself. The poem "Footprints in the Sand" has almost been a constant in my mind. Never has before. I enjoy chatting with you, thanks!
  • Cindy

    Oh my Gosh Michele! I said that about the adventure, but it really didn't sink in until I read your comment and you are absolutely right. We are starting a new adventure with them every time because they are our oldest. That's so cool. Morgan will be 20, also. First birthday we haven't had him here. His birthday and my birthday are two days apart, so this will be a rough one for me. Our youngest is playing in the USTA Team Tennis this year. His team qualified for sectionals and are headed for Salt Lake on my birthday. Double whammy. You mentioned several months of training before Wes gets stationed. I thought A School was 14 weeks and that was it. Will it be longer? God has been so good for many, many, many, reasons. We quit going to church last fall. Morgan mentioned in his letter that he was going to church every Sunday. My heart soared; but, at the same time, I was convicted. I knew if he could go to church instead of getting some extra shut eye, there was no excuse for me to stay home on Sunday's. So, I got up this morning and went to church. My own son, not knowing it, blessed and encouraged me. I did let him know too. Isn't it amazing how we connect with some people? We would've never 'met' had Luis not invited me to be his friend and our sons not entered the Navy. There are an awful lot of similarities between us. Hope you had a good weekend.
  • Cindy

    You are right about church. That's the way my husband feels, so he's chosen not to attend anymore. I grew up going to church, so that's important to me, but I know God is everywhere and that is good news! My whole week, and weekend, was busy. Kelson entered two tennis tournaments. The first one started last Tuesday and ended Thursday. His second one started Friday and ended yesterday. Today is going to be a very quiet, slow day. I do have an indoor soccer game at 9 pm, but that's all for excitement. My nightly letter to Morgan will be a small one! Have a great day and thanks for the info on A School. That won't be so hard as Morgan will have his cell and laptop, but it'll be the longest we've gone without seeing him. I know he's hoping to get stationed out of the country so maybe we'll have him home for Thanksgiving and Christmas! What a treat that would be.
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Michele he is now saying Thursday. Lets hope but I would bet it will be later. From what I hear that is the norm. On hold. He will eventually start one day. Is Wes hearing anything on when he will get to Pensacola?
  • Cindy

    Hey Michele, I'm the one on a soccer team. Kelson played for about 4 or 5 yrs, then switched to tennis. I picked up soccer about 5 yrs ago. Morgan called this afternoon. I'm struggling with the call though. I have more tears than happiness. He had 30 min., gave me 23 because he wanted to call his other friend. Found out about 15 min. later that he never called her. Guessing he could make one call and that was it. I could've had another 7 min. with him. He said after PIR he would have Sat. and Sun. Liberty, then they would move him to A School. I'm glad we decided to stay until Monday!
  • Cindy

    Hey Michele, I love the new pics. you added you should sell them ha they are so cool. I hope Wes is good. Evan is ok he thinks he will class up next week,we are praying I can't wait to see him for 2 whole weeks it will be so nice. Wes is in medical? Evan wants to get in Officer school I hope all his dreams come true..
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Hi Michele. He is not frustrated yet. I don't think he minds being on hold at the beach. One of his best friends their is waiting right beside him. They are roomies. So they hang together until they start class. But to much waiting can be a bad thing. I hope they start sooner than later. They have four years to go so a few months on hold isn't a bad thing. I would rather him be their than out to sea for months. It is easier to communicate with him on land. How is Wes doing?
  • Sindy

    Michele ~ Thank you for the welcome. I am finding this site to be very warm and welcoming. I can't tell you how much that means to me. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone. Sindy

    My fav color is purple .. I love butterflies .. so when I found this picture I had to have it :)
  • Jim

    hey, Adam had his PIR June 13 and is in Nuke school in Charleston sc
  • Jim

    Actually, we are on opposite sides of the state so we haven't gotten to go see him yet. We hope to real soon. Adam's A School ends in December then it's on to Power School in Charleston for six more months then Prototype School for another six months either in Charleston or New York. So basicly, he is a student for about 18 months. But he has to study a lot! LOL
    His job is electricians mate and he will maintain the elecrical components of the nuclear reactors. And he will be on a carrier probably. Sub duty is pretty much voluntary.
    So what about your sailor? And are you on Navy Moms? My wife really enjoys that. Take care, Jim Delete Comment
  • Jon

    Nice pictures...I see me son Jason in them.. Have a great day..Jon
  • Kevin

    Hey Michele, thanks for your comment. I can't wait to get the videos of PIR put on a dvd so I can post them. At some point I stopped taking video and just sat amazed at the excellence. By the way, I love the flag photo! It looks like a cross of light imbedded in the field of stars! That gives me some hope for our country. Kevin
  • Kevin

    Hey Michele, just noticed the comment from EG about the sailors answering questions in Pcola and wondered if Wes would be willing to join in. We need an AT in the group!
  • Cindy

    Hey Michele, How are you doing? I hope good. I wrote on the moms group I wish some others would. I really think we all like what the dads have to say they are straight forward I like reading what they all have to say,sometimes its hard. How is Wes? I hope it is better for him now.. I am sooo glad you got that phone call. My mother in law is Italian she has taught me alot about family. That is why I said call him. I promise he will love hearing you as much as you do him.. Stay in touch you are so good for this site I love the welcomes for all the new parents. Cindy
  • Jon

    Hi Michele...I have some real close-up pictures ..I will get them posted .. Or you can go to navy 4 moms .com and take a look. I am Jasons dad as well ova on that site...Jason will be at the great-Lakes for 14 weeks of Corpsman school...then probably off to a marine camp somewhere,for more training...Talk to ya later.....Jon
  • Kevin

    Hi Michele, I did load up a few photos, and have finally hit the friend "accept" button! We heard that Luke is starting some school at GL today.
  • Kevin

    Hi Michele, believe it or not, Luke is also in the Cole, but I don't have his room number handy. Small world! We heard from him just before dinner tonight. He's sharing a quad (?) with 3 other GMs and is currently in a 1 week indoc class. I think next week he starts ATT or something. Josiah (oldest son), Luke, and I joined CAP in 2004, and those pics are from his Mitchell Award presentation (2LT). We were honored to have State Senator Goodall make the presentation. That same night Josiah also received his Earhart Award (Capt). It's a good program, and helped Luke earn E2 out of RTC. Josiah got an AFROTC scholarship to Liberty University through his activities with CAP.
  • Kevin

    Hey, it would be great if they could get together as fellow "Tar Heels". Maybe they could remember the warm summers while shoveling snow this winter! LOL! Funny how kids are, Luke is more a Rebel, and Josiah is more a Yankee (even though both were born in FL). I was wondering about that picture. She looks impressive in her uniform. The military isn't for everybody, but since she's done so well in JROTC wouldn't a ROTC scholarship help?
  • Carol

    Michele, Thank you for welcoming me to this site, as I told Terry my son was using my computer along with his to build this site. And by the way I think he did a wonderful job. It will really keep us connected and that helps with missing our loved ones. My grandson is Evan. Our daughter-in-law, Cindy I know has connected to you, hope that helps you both. God Bless Wes and your family, and I pray God keeps all of us safe. Carol (EG's) Mom
  • Cindy

    Hi Michele! I haven't forgotten you. I will get you written back. I'm so sorry to hear about Wes. Doe he have access to a chiropractor? Oh, my heart goes out to him. Would they really take away his liberty if he failed a test due to illness? His girlfriend must not live that far away from him if he was going to spend it with her. That would help him out. I will keep Wes in my prayers as well and thanks for letting me about his back. Not that I would stop praying for my Morgan, but I feel better when I can pray for someone else. I pray for the kids and families every night. Helps me sleep. 19 more days!