


United States

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
Retired Chief 24 years, married to a former USN Air Traffic Controller
What Brought You To This Site:
my son is recently enlisted, My son is currently serving, I am a sailor
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Encouraging and supportive
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

Comment Wall:

  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Kevin thanks for joining. I found navyformoms in searching for answers to my son's future. I just knew their had to be a site for dads like n4m's but I was wrong. So I started this site so us dads wouldn't feel guilty interacting in a woman's world. I'm new at this and I hope this site will benefit fathers that come behind us. My son and his navy brothers and sisters will also use this site to interact with each other. He started his graduating group on here so that they could find each other once they get settled in A school. So please tell your son also. I'm so glad to find out their are so many proud navy dads just like myself. Good luck and thanks again for joining. E.G.
  • Luis

    Thanks Kevin, yeap I am praying that "Trouble" makes it to Boot Camp for the Fall. Have a great weekend.
    P.S. What football teams do you follow?
  • Luis

    Kevin, my son is on DEP, he scored very high on the ASVAD Test and was offered to be a Seal as well as work on a Nuclear Sub. He opted to work as a Aircraft Tech and is supposed to go to A School at Pensacola if and when he graduates.

    He has a good heart but needs the Navy to shape him into shape. I am really proud of him and on days like today I feel like killing him.

    Like you I have a great faith in God and I am praying every single day that he will be merciful to me and make sure that there are no more speeding tickets etc etc and get him on the plane to Great Lakes in the Fall.

  • Luis

    Thanks Kevin, I will keep this in mind if he ask me or we come across anything. Thanks again. Luis
  • Tim

    Thanks Kevin!..I was TAD onboard Nimitz for 2 months during med/85. Between the two (Kalamazoo/Nimitz) I turned 3 meds, one north Atlantic and a couple reftra's down in GTMO bay. I loved the Islands...St. Thomas was awsome!
    Is your son Luke in Basic now?..My son Dusty is suppose to class up for Corpsman school june 30.
    Thanks and keep in touch!..tim
  • Pete Potter

    Thanks, Kevin.. Curtis has officially left the building.... We left him at MEPS around 2:15.. He is heading to the airport to fly through Dallas and on to G.L. Looking forward to the "official " call saying he arrived... We live off of CR22o in Middleburg. We have lived here since 98 and yes a lot has changed just since then.
  • Michele

    Kevin - It is great to have someone (sorta) closeby :). Can you tell me what my son is going to expect in A-school? Is it really hard to learn everything in 7 weeks? I was also told that him being an AT he might also be sent to C-school, is this a probable outcome?
    I appreciated hearing your input on my son's future job on ship, mostly set my mind and heart at ease, thank you! I am sure you can share alot of insight into what you experienced in your 24 yrs. Looking forward to more coorespondence.
    God Bless,
    Michele :)
  • Kevin

    Hi Michele, Things might have changed over the years, but basically here's a possible "rating roadmap" for his initial avionics training and potential college credits:
    Initial Skills Training:
    Recruit Training (Basic Training) (A-950-0001)
    First Aid and Safety L 1
    Personal and Community Health L 1
    Personal Fitness and Conditioning L 1
    3 L
    Avionics Common Core, Class A1 (C-100-2020)
    AC Circuits L 2
    Aviation Fundamentals L 2
    DC Circuits L 2
    Solid State Electronics L 2
    11 L
    Aviation Technician Level 1 Strand, Class A1 (C-100-2017)
    DC/AC Circuits L 3
    Electronic Communications L 3
    Radar Principles L 3
    Solid State Electronics L 3
    23 L
    Aviation Technician O Level Strand, Class A1 (C-100-2018)
    Aircraft Electrical and Electronic Systems L 3
    26 L

    So, if you know the course number he is scheduled for you may have an idea of what he should be learning.

    My initial avionics training included basic electricity/electronics and aviation electronics (which was module based training with computer based testing); then I was offered advanced avionics (classroom instructor based training), so my total time at NATTC (Millington, TN then) was about a year. My total USN training gave me 70-90 college credits, some of which actually counted toward my BA (determined by the school).

    Afterwards there's usually another series of classes (or a pipeline) for the specific aircraft or system he will be working on (F/A-18, SH-60, UHF Communications, Navigation, etc), so he should be in training for quite a while.

    Hopefully I didn't just overload your thinking, but Navy training is quite an investment that's beneficial both to the service and to the sailor.

    Blessings, Kevin
  • Colleen (

    Hey Kevin... was the it recently were the mom son's was on deployment? If so- I haven't heard anything yet... but stay tuned to N4M's... heh- I am sure she will update us as soon as she hears from him. Sincerely, Catherine
  • Mark D

    Stephen is an (AT3) He will Graduate "C" school 07/21/08
    He will be attched to an P3 Orion Squadron at Jacksonville Florida.

    And we live in Alabama and no relation to the Man in Texas you spoke about.

    New to the site and looking forward to getting to know everyone.

  • Michele

    Kevin - As best as I can figure out he will be the Avaition Technician Level 1 Strand Class A1 . . . he talked all about working on the radar. If this is what he is going in for does his schooling end in 7 weeks or will he be off for more training? Does it depend on the scores he gets through the training whether they have him do advanced training? Your information is so interesting to me and appreciated!!

    God Bless, Michele :)
  • Colleen (

    Wait... I think she did!
    finally called! Click here CC
  • Pete Potter

    I know exactly where Shannon Lake Drive is. If you head East on CR220 you will go past College and we are the second street on the left. Lake edge drive. Directly accross from Armstrong Park.. Yes Fleming Island has a Wally World. How long has it been since you were here? We did get our "Call" from Curtis, it was 2:50 am our time... I am curious to hear what time they got going the next morning... What a shock to be up since 5:00 am to who knows what time he hit the Bunk, if they even let them do that... I guess I will hear about it in a couple of weeks..
  • Pete Potter

    We are looking forward to the "Letter" I'm sure he will fill us in.... The heat has not changed in Fla... But I have been in North Fla. (Jax. 20 yrs. Middleburg 10 Yrs.) 30 years so I am used to it... I know it was around when you guys kived here but do you remember Whiteys fish camp? Great Seafood...
  • Colleen (

    Hmmm.. One way you can find out is when you log into N4M's- it should say how many discussions you are part of- click on that- and it will give you your history- from there you might be able to find your comment.
    I am actually a navy niece and great niece :) My group and I do web work for the navy- and we started N4M's this past Feb. Heh, so I think I would be doing my Uncles proud (both have passed) by being part of the military this way :)
    Anyways- nice talking to you :)
  • Mark D

    Hey Kevin
    Right now he will be a ground pounder but wants to get setteled in and then go for air crew after a few months if he can.
    He will be coming home for the 4th. and we are all going to the lake for a cook out.

    Can't wait to see him!
  • Michele

    Kevin - I got an update from Wes. He emailed me and said that he is learning about circuit boards and will be for about another month. Then he said he will be going to Pensacola for more training. So he might be in school for awhile as you said :).
  • Michele

    I am so excited! I got to chat for awhile with Wes today :). I asked him all that you had said but his reply is 'i don't think, i just do as I am told'. I am guessing that is the hurry up and wait, they will know when they need to know. He is off classes until Monday for the holiday and he seemed pretty happy about that :). I did tell him about the time frame you wrote out on the classes and he did confirm that. I asked him a bunch of questions so now my heart is pieced back together and my mind is set at ease. He was much more talkative today too so he must be settled in and back in routine again. He did say while I was in GL that he felt uncomfortable on liberty because he didn't have anyone telling him what to do or yelling at him lol.

    Again I appreciate all your input since you were a Chief !! Hope your family and you have a wonderful 4th!
  • bill

    hey kevin,thanks for your reply. bryant will be going to groton for 4 weeks sub school and 33 weeks computor school. no southwest out here in the sticks of maine thou. i was just wondering how long he would have off and when to schedule flight back home. thanks again--bill
  • Michele

    Kevin - I am assuming the 'nit-picky' was in my comment calling you Chief. Your comment was to not let your wife and kids know that everyone calls you Kevin now lol so it was a joke back too you :). I knew that Chief isn't an officer, Wes told me that when I was in Chicago. Although I still hold you all high for your service and commitment to turn our boys into men and the compassion given through that process! Thank you again. . .how was your 4th of July? God Bless, Michele :)
  • Michele

    P.S. My son took the pic of 'ol Glory in Chicago and I felt it was fitting to place on my page. . . .did you see the Sailor's Creed I added also?
  • Retired NAVY Dad

    Thanks for the welcome Shipmate. Yep, pretty proud of the kid, he's currently in GL with his follow on A school there also ) I think). He is in the AECF program and is leaning towards the FC community.

    I was a Quartermaster for my 20 years. Wide open for advancement my first 7 years and then the fleet downsized and promotion became impossible. Can't complain too much, still get that monthly check. Worked in the LCAC community for my last 13 years; great lifestyle.

    The wife and I are looking forward to heading to GL in August for Ron's PIR on 08/08/08.

    Have a great day, Dave
  • Michele

    Kevin - I have talked to Wes the past couple of nights online :). I had told him some stuff I had read on either ND's or N4M's site about AT's able to actually fly in the aircrafts they keep up and if they stay in good with the pilots they work with. Can you reconfirm any of this for me on whether it is a good possibility or not? Thanks a million :). God Bless, Michele
  • Michele

    Kevin - I had posted I think in Airdales in the AT Roadmap discussion. Could you check and see if you could answer that question for me :) Thank you, thank you.
  • Bob

    Thanks and keep in touch
  • seng vang

    Thanks a lot. The Castle AFB in merced is actually a nice place to see airplanes. I've been there so any times. The last time I heard, they might close it down for some reason. Hopefully they don't.
  • Michele

    Kevin - I knew you were gonna be pumped up after the PIR! It is such an awesome showing of the sailors :). Can't wait for your return to hear more and see pictures!! God Bless, Michele :)
  • Michele

    Kevin - I have tried to coax Wes into joining :) he tells me he doesn't get but a couple hours on the weekend free time. He has volunteered alot for watch duty plus he is doing Saturday school also to help himself more to understand all there is to know. He stays busy, I guess it helps if you are homesick (or missing your girlfriend). About the new flag picture, it has been floating around the internet for years now and I finally got that email again. I felt it symbolized what I stood for (and other Christians) and our military. God Bless America :)
  • Michele

    Oh by the way. . .I sent you a friend request a long time ago and nothing yet? That little guy up at the top left should take you to the friend request page :).

    Also you mentioned the video of the ceremony. . .did you all take any stills while spending time with Luke? If so don't forget to post those too!
  • Michele

    Did Luke say what ship (barracks/dorm) he was assigned too? Wes is in the USS Cole, maybe they have crossed paths already :). Did your son do JROTC in High School too? Looks like Air Force? Thank you on the friends 'accept' :).
  • Michele

    Kevin - How neat is that! Both our son's in the same ship! If you don't mind I am going to pass the information onto Wes and see if he has seen him around, maybe look for him. They have something in common with both their parents only an hour or so away from each other :). I don't know if you noticed the picture of my son & daughter in their uniforms together, but my daughter is a Captain in her Army JROTC in High School. This will be her final year and I don't believe she is interested in going into the military at all. She is too excited about going to college :).
  • Luis

    Yeap, the Uncle Sam hat I borrowed while at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. As for Trouble, he is on the Delayed Entry Program and will be leaving for December of this year. Need to have the braces taken off. Take care Kevin.
  • Michele

    Yes a scholarship would be great but she can't decide if she is a tomboy or girly girl LOL. We are hoping since I am a widow she may qualify for scholarships or grants. Also Wes was born in Iowa but all my girls were born in NC. Wes is going to be going to Pensacola in a few weeks so no snow shoveling for him and I know that will make him happy. He has always preferred NC weather :).
  • Michele

    Oh yeah, what is Luke's last name, this seems to be the way they know each other or by nicknames they got in BC :).
  • Cindy

    Kevin ~ Thank you. I can't send one now can I? I would send him a Bible in a heartbeat if I could.
  • Cindy

    Thanks Kevin! I will certainly let Morgan know about the Bible. Those are great verses. He has taken "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength" (NIV) a few years ago. I will continue to encourage, there's nothing else I can do except for leave him in God's hands. I'm holding on to that since we haven't received a call, that he's better. Doesn't make sense that they remove the wisdom teeth, all at once, if it's not needed. He doesn't like going to doctors, but he wants to be a nurse.

    I don't know how Morgan would take having to stay there longer. He does have a lot of determination, grit, and strength when he wants it.

    Mom's? Pamper? I haven't been able to pamper him in almost a year. You can bet I'm going to pamper some in 3 weeks!

    You're certainly not old. My husband says he saw the last dinosaur killed and he's 55! His Mom told him when she found out I was 10 yrs younger that he had robbed the cradle. So glad he did!

    Thanks for your prayers, and I will tell Morgan in my next letter that there are a lot of people praying for him. He'll appreciate that.
  • Michele

    Kevin - Wes called today and his back is feeling better, he was able to go to school today. . .he did however fail a test today (which was his second). He is very worried about his ability to learn the material. Is it really hard material to learn, he is doing the computer work? I told him he is very smart and he must fight for what he wants and to keep his head up. . . any other suggestions to help him pick up on the material easier? Thank you for all the help thus far :). Did Luke say whether he contacted Wes yet. . .I forgot to ask today? God Bless, Michele
  • Carol

    Kevin, Thanks for the compliment. I viewed your family photos and ya'll look like a great family. The pride we have for our children and grandchildren, words cannot say. Let's keep in touch and this is how we are all going to make it. Ha Ha. May God keep your family safe and strong. Good Night for now. I'm sure we will talk again. Carol
  • Michele

    Kevin - Yes it is a wonderful answer to prayer! Yes he has been doing Saturday school for a few weeks now to help and also some open study classes but he says those are useless because the other sailors are rude by being loud with ipods, etc. . . so he can't study unless in class. He says he is doing computer work - I am guessing no instructor? Monday he goes in front of the Chief for failing a test for the second time and says they don't care how hard you are working or what you want to say, he says it is just a yelling session to put him down and make him feel worse. He told me this stuff is really hard to learn and is loosing confidence in himself :(. I am sure the work has become more technical since you went through it because of the advances in technology. . .but I will tell him the suggestions you gave :). Thank you so much for the prayers, they are helping! God Bless, Michele