

North Miami Beach, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Navy Veteran
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
Happily married to my high school girl for the past 27 years. We have two wonderful kids of which one is a Navy Veteran. Love all Miami sports team and #1 Charlton Heston fan. Above all, I am madly in love with the carpenter from Nazareth, my Lord and my God.
What Brought You To This Site:
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

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  • Bob, Andy's dad

    I finally got the ID# and password to work. I don't know why it didn't. Anyway, my team name is "Tennessee Thunder."
  • Jeff

    I joined - team name bulldogs.
  • Alan C Evans

    Luis do you still have spot for the fantasy football league my son is interested in joining. let me know thanks
  • Frank

    I'm going out to Yahoo to try to figure out the Fantasy football thing.
  • Frank


    I can't seem to log into the league. I usex the ID and pasword
    300380 and GoNavy.

    Nice to hear from you so soon Luis. My wife, Donna and I have been married for over 21 years. She's the love of my life. We met in Puerta Vallarta in '83. Went Scuba diving together during the day, and dancing at night. It didn't take me long to realize that we were meant for eachother. We live in Anchorage, Alaska. In addition to my incredible son, Derek, who leaves tomorrow for boot camp, we have a wonderful daughter, Jessica, who is 20, and a junior in college at George Fox University just south of Portland, Oregon. We're going to miss Derek not being around, but realize the importance of his decision...and we're very proud of him.
  • Lisa@ N4M

    Ditto on the olympics! USA!!!!!!!!!!
  • Brian Poole

    Thanks Luis for the invite and I accept. You sound like a proud Father. GO NAVY!
  • Chuck

    My son Andrew phoned yesterday. His graduation from AE school is today Pensacola NAS about 0900 their time. He also related that with Gustav coming the students are on notice that they could be place on "lock down in preparation for an evacuation. I am praying that the storm goes away from our troops.
  • Kevin

    Luis, you wild man! Where'd you get the pic of our (hopeful) new VP? Awesome! Where was she when the photo was taken? Any news from the homefront? Hope ya'll stay out of trouble!
  • Chuck


    No sorry do not know of any. Why did your name change on your profile? I was confused?
    How's your sailor?


  • Kevin

    Hey Luis, did you watch Sarah last night? She was awesome! I enjoyed Rudy's speech, but I feel she did magnificently! I've never really cared to have a female in such a high office, but Sarah seems worthy of the honor. She adds youth, strength, and compassionate conservatism to the ticket. Not to mention her good looks! May the Lord bless her and her whole family!
  • Luis

    Kevin, my house last night was like when the Dolphins won their only game last night. We were not watching a convention, we were cheering on our team. We just love her in our family. I am a Hawkish Conservative Republican and I was going to vote for McCain only to beat "The Messiah". But I am not invigorated because our country will hopefully vote the right way and not have to suffer under a Socialist Obama Regime.
    P.S. She is Hot as Hell!
  • Jim Lamp'l

    Cool Pic! Go McCain/Palin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Cindy

    Luis.....question regarding Fantasy Football. I had to change my password, could this be the reason why I can't access to my team? If I don't get this figured out soon, I won't be able to play. :(
  • Cindy

    Thanks for trying! I do appreciate it. If not, I'll just have to be content watching it and try again next year. Is your son close to heading off to BC? If I remember correctly, he was suppose to be leaving sometime this month. Boy, what an adventure the two of you are about ready to take. I sure am glad I'm through that one. It wasn't an experience I'd like to go through again. My youngest (16), keeps telling me he's going to join the Army. Of course, I'd hate it, but would still support him 100%, just like I did with Morgan. Thanks again for your effort.
  • Chuck

    Thanks for the poem. I will read this several times to let the words sink in. There is so much in the stanzas
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    I thought I’d forward this short note that I received from Eric as he deploys to the mid-East. I know that sometimes it seems like they will never grow up and that they will never start to use the brain God gave them for anything purposeful……Then you receive something like this and you start to think that maybe things work out after all………….

    Brings a tear to my eye………..

    I leave tomorrow to assist in maritime operations. To do my job in assisting in aviation maintenance which will in the end help to put warheads on the foreheads of those who dare to upset the balance, to hurt the innocent and to those who we deem terrorists. As in the rich naval tradition since October 13th 1775 I sacrifice my time and being to put my life in the hands of my fellow shipmates who in turn puts those same trusts into mine. To cast off and set sail to cross the seas in something bigger than what it is we can understand. To help those who need it is what we do, although we may be the cold forged steel harvesters of death in the modern age, we supply hope and change to those who need it most. In these final moments I realize that everything ive done, sacrificed in this last year all amount to something now. It finally means something. What Im not sure but its reassuring to know that im not here in vain. I will dearly miss you all and cannot wait till my return next year. I look forward to seeing you all and telling my tales of other lands and the sea. Wish me fair winds and following seas as I look forward to my return home. Delete Comment
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Luis- I sometimes think that no matter how old they are, we parents will always feel like they have more "growing up" to do! You and your son will have many mixed emotions leading up to that day when he says "see ya" and leaves for Great Lakes. And after doing that twice (my daugther and son) I feel confidient reassuing you that the Navy will help them grow up at RTC! You won't hear from him much for awhile- I think the biggest barrier for at lot of the new recruits is cutting those apron strings to home.....but when you sit at his PIR and watch the parade of flags and liten to all those recruits repeat the Sailor's Creed that you'll start to see the amazing change that has come over your son.

    I'll told many people over the years that I was becoming increasingly worried about where our young people were heading and how they were changing our country. But two trips to RTC to watch my kids graduate has given me much more hope than you can imagine. To experience the level of honor and pride and professionalism that those sailors display will give you hope as well. It's funny to note the changes you will see-- the kids that really didn't give a hoot about other people are now saying "good morning ma'am" to the desk clerk while walking through the lobby of the Marriott!!

    So take comfort in knowing that your son will be in good and caring hands and that while he may leave for Great Lakes with you thinking that he is still a kid, he'll soon be a sailor and ready to take on the world as he leaves for A-school and the fleet.

    So keep the faith- you'll soon be a Navy Dad in the grand tradtition and be be like me and bother EVERYONE you know with huge amounts of Navy-this and Navy-that and photos and the like!! You'll love it!!

    And on another note- coming to the US and becoming the man that you are is a testimony to the powerful pull and attraction that this great Country of ours generates. I understand- my mother came to the US from Germany in 1951 after experiencing and seeing horrors during the war that we can only imagine. She learnied the language, became a citizen, adopted the culture and reventually retired from the federal government. While her feelings for her country of birth were tempered by the evils that were committed, she always considered herself an American first.

    Thank you for raising a son with the ideals and love of Country to join the greatest naval power the world has ever seen!
  • Cindy

    Luis ~ Always a delight to see your page as it never stays the same. How's your son doing?
  • Cindy

    BarraCuda! I'm sure he's disappointed, but understands as the same time. Winter BC...brrr. I'm a whimp when it comes to cold. How's Fantasy Football going? Haven't been able to get into my team. How's the other Cindy's team doing?
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    ' the new moniker!! I think I'd hate to get Sarah mad at me!
    So how are preparations for Great Lakes coming? I tried to get both my kids to start running and the like...but you know how they can be. That was a huge hurdle for my daughter as she developed stress fractures and shin splints in a terrible way....actually wondered for awhile if she was going to be dropped...but she pulled through that.

    So tell him to start doing something along those lines!! I added some pics of the Lincoln and the Roosevelt when they deployed.

  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Love to see your site. Not quite sure all your oars are in the water. lol, just kidding. It's great to see the enthusiasm. Keep it up. Andy is in GL waiting to class up. A school is scheduled to begin Sept. 28th he told me today. Keep Luis pumped. Yeah! Drill yesterday, drill here!
  • Kevin

    Hey Wild Man! Thanks for the fresh chuckle on your new profile picture. I hear she's even got Chuck Norris scared!! LOL!
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    I'm with Kevin; Wild Man! Is it a disorder? compulsive disorder? or what? Luis you keep me entertained. Keep em coming. How's trouble doing? Gotta love that win over the Pats. My Saints lost!
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Archie's Back!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    My friend! Sarah did well! Nice to hear from a candidate that didn't try to talk down to me! How are preparations for Great Lakes coming?
  • Tem

    hey bro. What's up? thanks for the invitation to become your friend! how are you doing? When will Luis be going to Boot camp? How is he? And what will he do in the Navy? keep in touch and I expect to hearing more from you! Godbless
  • Cindy

    Hey Luis ~ Quick question for you. Awhile back, you sent out a blanket email asking us if we knew of credible work at home websites for your wife. Did you get any response? If so, I'd love to know what those sites are. Hope your fantasy football team is doing well. God Bless!
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    The discussions that you started. 2008 Elections and yours truly and the homeless 2008 elections in the forum. I would like you and john to post those comments in the new political group. That way I can contain it all together. You probably saw as I did how the political talk go out of hand on n4m's in the beginning. So I would like to have it all in one place for people to view and discuss. I just don't want it to get out of hand. You and John have done great debating. I love it but I'm worried about someone new coming in and ruining it for everyone that is behaving. I just want to have a handle on things in case they get out of hand quickly. Thanks ttyl
  • Cindy

    I can be patient and I appreciate you sending them. I'm sure it's a large task and I do have a job, which is more than some have. I'll keep working until I find something else. Thanks again.
  • Michele

    Thank you Luis for your understanding. It is very frustrating when you get your paycheck and it is already gone and then you hear the candidates talking about how they are going to make health care available to everyone - everything I hear isn't going to make it affordable therefore unavailable to my family. Obama saying tax cuts to those making less than $250,000 a year, dang! if I made even $50,000 a year I would feel rich! I live a very humble life so being able to go out to the movies once or twice a month with my children is a big luxury, or having a special dinner out once a week, or attending a Nascar race once a year, or even being able to give gifts and parties for their birthdays would all qualify as big luxuries in our lives. I sometimes say 'oh well' to a bill and do something special with the girls just because having all that taken away in the last 4 years takes its toll on a mom's heart. I could go on and on with the sacrificing we have been doing and it would probably blow you away because most households would crumble at the seams without the smallest luxuries like 'state of the art computers' (my computer is a mega dinosaur still with only 10GB hard drive hehehe). So with the hypocracy in both parties I just might vote for Nader. . . .?? Yeah everyone forgets the other candidate and also their right to put a 'write-in candidate' on their ballot. HAPPY 233rd BIRTHDAY NAVY!!!
  • Michele

    No worries on that Luis, Obama isn't at the bottom of my list, he isn't on the list at all :).
  • Carol

    Luis, I will pray for your little girl, Elizabeth, I know you are going through a really hard time, and I pray all works out well. Keep your faith, and know God is with you and your family. Tell Elizabeth to stay positive!!! God Bless!!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Luis- I think this is a great validation of the power of faith and support. You, your daughter, and your familiy are in our continued prayers. Keep the faith bro' and I am sure He will insure a fast recovery for your littel girl! My best regards- Paul
  • Kevin

    Hey Wild Man, sorry I've been away for a while. I missed the news about your daughter, how may I pray for her and you? How is Trouble doing? Isn't he enlisting soon? Keep in touch! Blessings, Kevin
  • NC1 Sean Erickson

    I am happy to hear your son made the decision to join recently I am sure he will not regret it. I would love to ansure any questions for you just let me know.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    you should vote this poll Luis and sent to you friends as well......Click It
  • Kevin

    Hi Luis, where do you get these crazy ideas? Real pumpkinhead! Anyway, what's up with Elizabeth? Did she go in for the surgery yesterday? Trust all went well, but let us know how to pray. By the way, speaking of prayer, a few families from our church are holding a prayer session Sunday night asking for the Lord to intervene in these dismal-looking days of the election. Perhaps BO will loose his concentration and say something really stupid and offensive, and scare the undecideds away...either way, it's in the Lord's hands. Happy Reformation Day! Kevin
  • Kevin

    Praise the Lord for answered prayer! We rejoice with you in the good news regarding Elizabeth! May the Lord continue to grant His mercy and grace to your family, and to our great country. Blessings, Kevin
  • Kevin

    Wild Man, you did it again with the new profile pic. My side is hurting from laughing so hard! BO meets Joe! ROFLOL!!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Now that the 3rd has come and gone you can concentrate on getting ready for your son to ship to Great Lakes Luis! I'm sure the temperature difference will take some getting used to, but I have a feeling that with PT he'll stay pretty warm! Has your boy been doing any running at all? The timed run is a huge hurdle for most recruits so any running he can get will really help. Be sure to check out the two New Bootcamp videos Ron posted a while ago...that'll give him a pretty good feel for what he'll be living like for awhile. paul
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Luis- you don't know how I laughed when I read your words "a parent's advice is sometimes a good thing to follow". I don't know how many times I've told people about my theory with kids-- when they reach a certain age...I figure about 16 or so, they manage to open the top of their skull and they promptly remove the portion of the brain which they would normally use to understand common sense and to think! They place it for safekeeping on a shelf somewhere and when they turn around 21-22 years, they re-install that portion of the brain they had removed....when they do they start to suddenly realize that "wait a minute...maybe dad DID know what he was talking about after all!!!" Keep the faith my friend.....he'll make it...the Navy will see to that!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Luis-- how are things with your sailor? It won't be long now unitl you too get the privilage of traveling to Great Lakes for a sure to check out the vidoes New Bootcamp 1 of 2 and New Bootcamp 2 of 2 to understand what your son will be going through....

    All I can say is...It's quite a ride! Paul
  • Dave

    Thanks for your web page. I am very impressed. What does your sailor do in the Navy? From your pictures I thought he might be an MA? My son Andrew PIR 5-Dec-08. He is going to be an MA. From your profile you sound like my twin. We live in Northwest Indaina, so I really can't get excited about the Hurricanes, especially back in the 90's when the Hurricanes and Notre Dame where playing each other. I am an hour away from Notre Dame and two hours away from Great Lakes. Great page, Dave.
  • Bob

    Thank you for the invite. My son Eric is currently in BC at Great Lakes. We are about 3 hours from there and have the similar weather...hopefully he's staying warmer than we are:) It's really cold out today! He will PIR on 1/30/09. He is going to be attending HM "A" school right there at GL then wants to go to FMF. I'm 100% behind him in his decision.
  • glen

    Hey Luis,We pray you and your family continue to be Blessed and have a very Merry Christmas. Our sailor is home onleave so we already have the best gift a parent can ask for! Enjoy your Holidays and good luck Sunday!
  • carol

    I'm sitting here with my older two sons, enjoying their company tonight, missing Craig, but knowing that he is fine. May you enjoy a wonderful Christmas day with your loved ones. God bless you and grant you a wonderful new year. My blue candle is lit for all who are serving. God bless them.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Blessings to you and your family Luis....Paul
  • Glen H.

    Luis - I LOVE your pictures. Especially the one of Ronald Reagan. Glen