Van Jaggers


Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Relegious Protector
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
2 years in the Army,4 years in the Air Force. living in KY.
Prior Military Experience
Proud Air Force Veteran
What Brought You To This Site:
My son is recently enlisted (before PIR), My son is recently enlisted
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
apprenhesive knew it would be good for him but wanted to spend more quality time with him . Iknow it's all about him, but I really miss not having him here at least to have him call and check in.
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor
Please Share: How Did You Find Us?
searching information about boot camp

Comment Wall:

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Welcome to Van! I'm sure you'll find NavyDads as useful, educational and informative as I have. Please explore the site and make some new friends. Read the discussions and add your comments. Browse through the postings in the various groups or start a new one. I certainly have! If you have any comments, questions or concerns about your sailor and what he is going sure to post them! In my experience someone here can answer your questions or concerns or can point you in the direction to find out. I'm blessed to have two sailors in the family - my son Eric (AM3) is stationed on the carrier Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) and my daughter Kat (MC3) recently completed her enlistment on the carrier Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72). And Van this is a great place to brag as well! So join in, get active, and be sure to let us know how Brian is doing! Please remember that we talk about the Navy here and we must keep the security and safety of our sailors and the fleet in mind. On the right or starboard side of every NavyDads page is an area we call About This Site. Please take a minute and read through the Operations Security (OPSEC) link for some guidelines as to what we should and should not talk about in a public forum.

    As a parent of a sailor currently or soon to be at Great Lakes you'll have many questions about what your son is going through. In the Navy Bootcamp group is a discussion called A MUST READ for all New Navy Parents. Read through this post as it will do a lot to give you some understanding about what your sailor is learning and why. And be sure to check out the videos available in the Bootcamp Group as well.

    As PIR draws closer, be sure to spend some time going through the PIR-Tips, Hints and Helps group- we’ve tried to assemble some tips and suggestions to make your sailor's PIR more enjoyable. Best Regards- Paul
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Welcome to NavyDads !

    Play the following video for a brief introduction to We've made some cosmetic changes to the site since this video was made, but nagivation remains the same.

  • NavyDads Admin, Tim

    Welcome aboard Van.
    I would like to take this time to point you in some of the right directions. For starters if you haven't had the time take a look at the right side of any page you click on. There you will find some useful information for you. The links under the about this site will help you with how this site got started, navigation, PIR, About us, community guidelines and some links to some of the groups that beginners with a lot of questions will find very useful.
    First and foremost though we are all here for the same reason. We are curious about what our young sailors are getting into and for more information about the rate or job that they will be doing for the next 4-6 yrs of their lives. I know when I first got here I had lots of questions and there was not a lot of people on this site but they all were either going through the same thing or had been through it and had sailors out in the fleet. Now this site has grown to over 2000 members, Dads, Moms,Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, sisters, brothers,girlfriends and boyfriends. Don't be afraid to ask questions of members in here because somewhere along the way we have all had the same questions and asked . There are a lot of knowledgeable people on this site with various years of experience in the NAVY either on their own account or through their Sailors.
    Again welcome aboard and BRAVO ZULU to you and your son Brian on his enlistment and please thank him for me for making the choice to defend the freedoms that my family, this country and I have and enjoy.
    Navy dads Co-admin Tim
  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Calvin

    Van, Welcome to NAVYDADS. My Grandson joined the Navy and went to Boot Camp in February, 2008. When I joined I knew nothing about the Military and this site has really helped me understand what to expect and has relieved some of the worries I had. Please go to the Groups Page and check out of the different Group and join in to learn more about what your Guy or Girl will be learning and doing. We are a big family here and you can find answers to most any question you may had regarding what is in store for your recruit. You will find others that are new to the Navy along with those that have Loved Ones that has been in for some time. We like to hear about your recruit the good times, the concerns and the question. I think you will find that our member are just a great big family and everyone wants to help others understand what to expect and hear how your recruit is doing.

    Please feel free to ask question.

    Again Welcome and keep us updated of your recruit’s progress.

    HooYah US Navy!!!!!!!!!!!
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Van, Welcome Aboard!

    When my son first enlisted in the Navy I found NavyForMoms in searching for answers to his future. I just knew their had to be a site for dads but found out I was wrong. So I started this site so us dads would also have a place to call home. I'm new at this and hope this site will benefit fathers that follow behind us. So jump right in share concerns, join groups, share info, and show off your Sailor. I'm so glad to find out their are so many proud Navy Dads just like myself. I hope this site benefits you and your family throughout your sons journey in the Navy. Thank Brian for his service for me and for yours as well. Thanks again for joining us.

    Sincerely, E.G.
  • Ray Norberto

    My dad used to make us do our shoes like that, especially for Sundays and Mass...then he'd go back to sleep! Suffice to say his four years in the Navy turned him off other people's schedules and orders!
    I am so proud of Chris there are still moments during the course of the day that I bubble up with poorly contained emotions. I chose to be a full time dad when my wife Ari told me she was expecting him. It was an easy choice since she was making way more than I was at the time. Best decision of my life, and it has made the separation both harder and easier to endure now, since I never missed a moment along the way.
    He still has the power to piss off, as evidenced by the tattoo he got yesterday, which my wife absolutely HATES! It's a string of Yin and Yang strategically placed right below the shirt collar line. I'll have to post a picture when I get one this week at his A School graduation.
    Congratulations on Brian's progress!
  • Ray Norberto

    It's about half way through when the team gels.  Then, apparently, the RDCs spend less time 'mentoring' and more time reinforcing that team concept.  It's amazing how strong that bond will be when you see him and his rackmates after the graduation. Chris and his division are joining each other on Facebook, a good use of the social media!  Their interactions are hilarious, and you can feel the brother/sisterhood, and the love they have for each other.  It's very deep!

    I'm getting a tattoo tomorrow before I fly down to San Antonio, of an anchor, with NAVY DAD added in. about three hours in the chair.  My only other tat is a stylized Zodiac Bull on blue flame background, for my Taurus sign, which took 90 minutes.  Looking forward to that, and the forecast 80plus temps in TX!  Oohrah to that!

  • John B

    Thanks for checking in, Van. We are getting excited about going to PIR.  My wife spends a lot of time working on projects and keeping everybody on Navy for Moms informed and organized.  I am keeping busy at work and my other part time jobs.  I keep informed through the internet and radio mostly.  Today is Sam's birthday. He is 25.  I hope he got the cards we sent in time.  In his last letter, he reported that losing 2 hours of sleep at night on his watch was not much fun.  It's almost over, though.  He should be doing his Battle Stations this Thursday night.  Hoping to get that phone call on Friday afternoon.  "I'm a Sailor, Dad".


  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Calvin

    Van, good to hear from you. When you have a chance please update me on your Son's progress and what he will be doing. I know so little about the different Rates so I like to talk to member so see how what they guy does and how the different Rates interact and help each other. I have found they are no jobs in the Navy that are not important, just some get more coverage that other.

    Let you Son know that there is is grandpa in Texas that is very Proud of what he is doing and you never know I might get to meet him and shake his hand someday.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Calvin

    I had looked up his Rate to see what it was. I am very Proud that your Son wants to do this. It will mean alot to the guys serving. I really appreciate the service you Son will be doing and will keep him in my Thought and Heart.
    Thanks for the info and keep me informed as to his progress.
  • John B

    Hi Van.  Yes, we have a Sailor!  We got his call Friday afternoon after he completed Battle Stations.  He was tired, but glad to be done.  He said BS was pretty easy, so maybe won't be too bad for your son.  Staying awake all night is what's hard for some. We are heading north on Wednesday and will be at GL Thursday afternoon.  We are so looking forward to his PIR this Friday.  Sam is also a grad and go leaving Saturday morning.  We hope to be able to see him off at the airport and hand off some of his things like his phone and laptop.  This can be done at the USO as I understand, so keep this in mind when you go.  Sam is headed to Charleston, SC for nuke school.  Where is Brian going for his A school?

    My wife is on Navy for Mom's all the time.  She goes by the name "Quiltblue" as she is a quilter. What name does your wife go by.  Tell her to look my wife up.  

    We are staying at the Navy Lodge there at GL.  Do you have your reservations for PIR?  Also, don't forget to download your parking pass.  It should be available for 4/8 PIR tomorrow, (Tuesday). 

    Good luck to you and your wife.  Godspeed to Brian.  

    I will let you know about our experience as soon as I am able.

    HooYah to our Sailors.