Navy Dads Co-Admin Tom


Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Completed her 4 year enlistment as an MA2
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
Management.....Total Sports fan
What Brought You To This Site:
my daughter is currently serving
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Proud as a peacock
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor
Please Share: How Did You Find Us?
In searching through info regarding Basic Training

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  • NavyDads Admin, Tim

    Welcome aboard Tom.
    I would like to take this time to point you in some of the right directions. For starters if you haven't had the time take a look at the right side of any page you click on. There you will find some useful information for you. The links under the about this site will help you with how this site got started, navigation, PIR, About us, community guidelines and some links to some of the groups that beginners with a lot of questions will find very useful. There is also a link called Navy Enlisted Ratings, this link will take you to a brief description of the rates (jobs) in the Navy that you can find your sailors rate and find out some information about the rate that they are in.
    First and foremost though we are all here for the same reason. We are curious about what our young sailors are getting into and for more information about the rate or job that they will be doing for the next 4-6 yrs of their lives. I know when I first got here I had lots of questions and there was not a lot of people on this site but they all were either going through the same thing or had been through it and had sailors out in the fleet. Now this site has grown to over 2000 members, Dads, Moms, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, sisters, brothers, girlfriends and boyfriends. Don't be afraid to ask questions of members in here because somewhere along the way we have all had the same questions and asked. There are a lot of knowledgeable people on this site with various years of experience in the NAVY either on their own account or through their Sailors.
    Again welcome aboard and BRAVO ZULU to you and your daughter Caitlin on her enlistment and please thank her for me for making the choice to defend the freedoms that my family, this country and I have and enjoy.
    Navy dads Co-admin Tim
  • Mr. Sailorette

    Every ones feed back has been helpful. Support is the whole reason for this site. My posts are my thoughts and feelings. I reread all of them last night. I understand there have been mixed responses. I think those reading my posts completely have responded with helpful advice. Some read parts selectively and kinda missed it. 

    Just providing an honest response in regards to your own experiences is a priceless resource. Not only to me but to all who read. In the future I am sure someone in my shoes will be comforted in learning from the journey we are sharing here. 

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    We'll do Sir Thanks!... :)

  • Jeremey Kelley

    Thanks Tom! The wife and I are proud of our little girl, she's grown up to be a big hero to us!

  • Northeast Dad

    Yes sir, a fellow New Englander!   As native as the lobstah...ayuh!  My wife noticed a post on Navy moms from somebody that said, they were driving to PIR from southern Maine the same week that we go.  We can't wait to see our new saior!

  • Chuck

    Actually...and so it continues.  My oldest son just started his second enlistment.  My daughter is doing the overnighter at MEPS tonight.  ASVAB tonight and the physical tomorrow.

  • Chuck

    This seems familar as I am a Navy vet as are both of the kid's grandfathers.  The feelings with my daughter are very different from when her brother left. I can not say it is harder. But we still have her till July.  Maybe then it will be much harder when she is leaving..

  • W A Major

    Thanks!  Needless to say I am concered, then again, I'm sure they are not set up to fail and that all needed help will be provided.  This is all new to me, I would appreciate as much information as possible on females in Boot Camp.  I can't help but be a concerned Grandfather!

  • Bob Malone

    congrads to Caitlin, I know how proud you are Tom.

  • Robert Kelly

    Thanks !! I'll put more up in a few days.

  • Mike Bennett

    Nice photo of you and Caity.

  • Bill Jeanmard

    Thank you and congrats to you as well.
  • Bill Black

    Thanks Tom! Agreed...there is nothing quite like this site....nothing quite like Navy families!
  • james lonergan

    Hello Tom thanks for the friend request. My daughter is currently in bootcamp and obviously im very concerned about her safety. My wife and I were assured by the recruiter that Her safety was paramount. However my wife is reading posts on Navy Mom's about sexual assaults. Any Comments?

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    past that code you copy into the multimedia box

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    that should be "paste"...fingers cannot spell today

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    there are a million tricks and how to's out there....I might not be able to tell you what TO do, but I have a big list of stuff that I know DOESN'T work!!!!! If you have questions- just let me know

  • Pam

    My boy just got in. He is logistic specialist leaves out 2nd week of March.
  • Chris

    Thanks so much! Proud NAVY dad!!
  • David McNeill

    Thanks for becoming a co-administrator.
  • Barry Norton

    Thank you, Tom, for being a Co-Admin. I appreciate the effort it takes to make this an outstanding resource for Navy families.
    Go Navy!
  • Chris

    My son is going in as MA, he wants to work with dogs in A-school. Is this a good idea?
  • Chris

    Thanks for all the support and info!
  • Chris

    What is the chance of my son changing his rate before basic? He went to MEPS wanting to get in computers and there wasn't any in the field so he took MA. He will have his degree in IT when he gets to GL.
  • Chris

    He has degree in information technology (2) year . Get the feeling his recruiter not wanting to help out , got him signed and that's it!
  • Cheryl Fig

    Thank you.  The information on this site is very helpful.

  • Bill

    Tom.  Thanks for the encouraging words  ..Very new to this....Son is first to enlist in 2 generations....last were my Dad (Navy, WWII) and my wife's Dad, (Army, WWII) !  This is a a new adventure for us, but we are very proud of him!  He has his first week of boot camp under his belt... we actually got an unexpected call from him  today!  Great to hear from him....He is going SO and is well prepared physically...Just have to get through the mental piece...Looking forward to his PIR on March 18

  • Chris

    Ok this is going to be one of those stupid questions. My son is worried that if he gets his wisdom teeth out before basic that it may delay him from going. Ship date is end of May. I say he will be fine to get them out now. What is your opinion? Thanks
  • Chris

    Thanks for all the great advice! Think we have him talked into getting them out here!!
  • Chris

    I keep hearing about the navy lodge? Is this a good place to stay or is there another place were we should stay? Guess I am jumping the gun a little but it was on my mind .
  • Michael Moraitis

    Thank you for the welcome. I look forward to being part of the group.
    Michael Moraitis
    Proud Navy Dad
  • Curtis Bowie

    thank you 

  • Curtis Bowie

    thanks navy dads


    Thank you I am so proud of William for his choice to join the US Navy and I know he is going to make us all so proud. My oldest grandson Thomas is now serving on the USS Port Royal whom I am also very proud of. Both of these boys are going to have awesome careers with the Navy. Again thank you

  • Jerry Gowans

    Thanks for the kind words, Megan will be going to Advanced IT in Pensacola when she graduates. She managed to get a good opportunity for herself. She has 25 days left in boot camp. I'm hoping she shines

    Thanks again


  • Chris A.

    Thanks Tom, I have already been looking around, and my wife has been looking for 9+ months :). We are excited for him.  I am sure we will have more questions as time goes on. Thanks for all the work you all do on this site.


    Dear all the Dads who read this:: I am a Veteran from 1970-1973 Vietnam Era I was employeed at Great Lakes as  civilian years ago.. WOW.....

    Got to see Battle Stations being built....

    I would watch the pool USS Indianapolis divers train..

    There is a movie coming out soon with Nicolas Cage and Tom Sizemore about the actual ship during WWII. I am a History major from college it will be a must for all to see. While I was there working I ate the food at Great Lake with the sailors it was the BEST nothing like the Army chow I ate in the 70's.

    Feel free to ask I will answer anything thing I can. I am retired now..

    Gary Swensen  Yankton, S.D.   

  • Charles Darwin

    Hello Tom. 

    As a retired, retired Navy Master Chief Petty Officer, and my bride is a retired, retired Navy Chief Petty Officer (Ex Company Commander in the olden days of boot camp) we could bring to your table over 50 years of Navy experience!  Just ask us what we can do for you, your web site and, most of all, those parents who will have a million questions!

    Our nephew Jesse is a "pusher" at boot camp as we speak and we will be using this site trying to catch him during P.I.R. so we can "critique" him. His father is always asking us questions about what has been going on in his career.  Petty Officer First Class Jesse stayed a couple of summers with us in his early teens and we are so very proud of him.

    Let us know what we can do for you guys and thanks for taking the time and energy to help parents get accurate info on what is really happening to their kids!



    Here are some pictures of our family of Veterans from the Civil war to Iraq

    My dads younger brother witnessed the Flags over Iwo Jima he told me the day I enlisted in 1970.He never told his family and never talked about it again.

    I have a 5 page story of what he witnessed on Iwo Jima.   

    Gary Swensen 1970-1973 Army 

  • Scott

    Thanks Tom, appreciate that and also the information available on the site! I'm sure I will have plenty of questions as I look around and meet with his recruiter this week. He is now in the DEP and I have to be honest, I wasn't thrilled with the recruitment process or the job they talked him into signing  for based on his ASVAB scores but I'm hoping he will be able to switch it if his preference opens while he is in DEP. This is what they told him and he assures me this is normal but I really have no clue - which brought me here as I am hoping it is actually how it is done today. Thanks again for the welcome and thanks to all of those that participate on the site.

  • Scott

    Hi Tom, sorry for the delayed follow up and appreciate you asking - He scored a 118 on the DLAB, whatever that is, lol and the recruiter said they are checking to see if they will allow him into the crypto logic field with his scores and probably the bigger issue of the dui he had 3 years ago. He said it should be a week before we hear anything so I'm guessing it will be a month based on all he has been through.
  • Scott

    Will do and I will let you know what we hear - thanks!
  • Scott

    Well I stand corrected- my son got the call from MEPS today and was accepted into the CT group; he will sign his new contract tomorrow and will leave in April. Do you know anything about enlistment bonuses? I read that there is a 10,000$ bonus for CT field - would his recruiter tell him about it or should he ask, I would say ask but he doesn't want to push things.
  • Sean Lawson

    Thank you. I am sad he waited over 2 years for OCS and had to resort to enlisting but happy he is finally making progress. I am curious about the number of guests at boot camp graduation. 4 guests, is that correct? Would this include children in that number as well? Thank you for any assistance. Also, this will be a shared profile between my husband Sean and myself, Tori. :)

  • Tennille Forbes

    Hi Tom! Let's face it - there is nothing like a little "Love will keep us Together" to get the toe tapping :)

    I joined today to try and find support and guidance as it seems that Jacob has been sent to Ship 5 to be sent home. There was a medical issue that we (I) disclosed to the recruiter but he said was irrelevant because it was over 10 years ago. Turns out it is relevant after all and my son is being punished for it. I've reached out to 2 senators there anything else I should/could be doing?

  • Dave

    Hi Tom: thanks for the information and support. My son is doing well and is looking forward to his new adventures.  Thanks again.

  • Steve Roy

    Yes my son is back. He finished up his treatment about 2 1/2 months ago and all his paperwork is good. He goes back to MEPS this week and hopefully will come back with good news. He is very excited and looking forward to serving just like I did.

  • Steve Roy

    I'm really happy for him. He stuck with it now he feels his grown up life is about to start and he can get into a line of work he wants to make a career of.

  • Steve Perkins

    Thank you Tom, my son left today, tough day.  He's excited and scared but I know he'll be in good hands.  Thanks for the note!

  • William Krickl

    Thanks for the welcome! My son, William Jr, just enlisted, after waiting around a year to get into OCS. The recruiter mishandled his paperwork, so, a year later, he goes in as a sailor. Still awaiting news on bootcamp timetable.