Navy Dads

My son, Brandon, arrived at RTC last night and I got his 10 second call at 1:50 am saying he was there and fine. It was obvious they had him reading a script so he did not forget to say what Navy wanted said. Very proud of him. Now the countdown to graduation. I have started letters so I can send one a day once I have his address.

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My son called me at 12:16 this morning saying he is there and will call in about three weeks man this is tough

it doesn't seem like it now, but at the end of these 8 weeks you'll see they went by faster than you think they would.....write your letters! 

I agree Russell. Thanks guys

Keep writing they love to get letters.......highlight of their day.......My son will be graduating July 27  Ship04 DIV817.....Got my first letter and was just pumped reading it.....I am very excited about Graduation

My son arrived in Chicago at 7:30pm on the 19th and took his group to Chilis before reporting to the USO. I was able to talk to him on his cell at 8pm before he went to the USO. I too did not get the scripted call until 1am.  I could tell it was script also because everyone else in the background was saying the same thing.  Maybe our boys will be on the same ship and division.


to Jim said, the time will pass quickly...My son arrived at GL May 8th...I was a wreak for the first 2 weeks but have been fortunate to have had some contact each week...I've had 4 real calls, a couple of security calls and he has written me 3 times and I swear it was probably the first letters he has ever written....start writing now so that when you get the address, you have something to send. You at home have a support group but your SR is all alone in a crowd. They live for your letters and I couldn't stand the thought that at the end of the day, his name not being called for mail call. send pictures my son said, they gave him visual comfort. I feel for each of you.You'll be going through your own form of bootcamp....

  This time next week, I'll be in GL witnessing the proudest moment of my sons life...and mine...04/814....good luck to each of you!


Thanks Rick for comforting information.

Jack my son also called before going in USO. He did not arrive in Chicago until 9:45 pm. They may be in same squad.

See ya in GL in August.


Hey Gene I just got a call from my son he said that his group was given a 15 min call for doing well this morning. He said that things are good except for all the yelling. I was worried when i saw the 847 area code because everyone has said that no news is good news. So look at for 847 area code good luck man hope u get a call to. his division is 255 he is on the USS Hopper


When did your son start RTC? That is great you got a call. Hope we get one.

Gene he flew in in chicago on weds 20th just 4 days ago. I was worried when i seen the 847 area code because it was so soon. He told me that his unit was rewarded for being ready before they had to be saturday morning. He said that it has not been to bad just alot of orders and alot of yelling. I hope you get a phone call soon. Let me know when you do and what ship and division your son is in.

I got the form letter today. WHOOHOO.. I am so excited. Found he is on Ship 03 Div 253.  Already sent a letter out to him today. Week three is this coming week so I hope I get that phone call.

I got form letter yesterday. Div. 252. Ready for the first call. Is that at end of 2nd week or 3rd? I assume it wil be on a Sunday. Do the boys need stamps to send us letters? Was wondering if I needed to send him some or if that is covered somehow.

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