Navy Dads

Today 8-26-08 my son has officially been at boot camp for 5 weeks. We have only received 1 letter from him so far and have only gotten 2 phone call for a total time of 5 mins. Is this whats to be expected? I have read other places that people have talked with their son/daughter for 30 mins at a time. I am not sure what is going on. Can anyone tell me what they have or are experiencing. My son is on ship 10 division 362 if that helps. thanks in advance . Jason(super proud father and American!)

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My son has been at GL since 8/17 (PIR 9/12 Div337 Ship 14). The only phone call was short "Dad this is important, it's business" he needed information for his background checks. We received his 1st real letter the day before the graduation packet arrived. He never even received our letters until about the end of week 3. Depending on how the recruits are behaving and performing as a unit determines privliges. My son is complaining now about being "BORED" and is tired of the extra study hours enforced by his RDC's. My guess and it's only my "WAG" is there is someone or a few someones that arent going with the program or coming along with the rest, so until they do or they get dropped/recycled everyone pays the price.
HEY GUYS! How ironic is it that I post my first discussion about not hearing from my son 4:27pm tues while at work I receive a call from my son. AWSOME! He said he is doing well and in better shape than he has ever been (I thought he was in great shape before he left!). Brad said he has made some new friends (ship and division had changed from his first one).Brad tells me he got a uniform,will graduate on the 26th of sept and that he is not a grad &go! I am so excited we will get to spend fri,sat and sunday with him that weekend. Brad also stated he got what he wanted as far as a job HE IS SPECIAL OPS !!!! Not sure what part of spec ops yet but he made it. If you cant tell by my words how PROUD and EXCITED I am for Brad and ALL of our men and women serving in the armed forces to protect our Great Country...just listen and you can hear me SHOUT IT ALL DAY LONG! (my wife says I have a BIG MOUTH). ha ha! Thanks to all who replied to my question and gave me hope on hearing from him !
Jason, My son has been in boot camp for about 5weeks also. He is graduating on Sept/19th. I have received one phone call, it was about 10minutes.......and my wife was at work/busy and only got to talk to him a few minutes. He has also called his mother, and I sure he had to talk to her longer than anyone else? ?
We write and encourage him everyday, so far we have received 4 letters. The first letter he mentioned everything he was doing; very busy, a little sick, learning alot, doing alot. The next letter was a little home sick....miss you dad, love you dad and always looked up to you. (kind of made us sad) Next two letters were back to very busy marching, shooting, lots of laughs and jokes.
Have you wrote him? does he have stamps? could he be committed to writing someone else like a girlfriend? or friends? Just a thought?
My daughter is in div 361 Ship 5..I havent gotten any phone calls...she has been there since Aug5..I missed the first call which was 8 25...and very few letters. She said if they dont listen, they lose privliges ie: phone...and they punish all of them...
will someone let me know if these calls that are made home by our kids are collect calls or not. we only have cell phones, so he would'nt be able to call collect, and i'll be very sad for him. sprint told me the calls made are covered by the government, but i'm guessing he's not totally sure. help me please.
Randy if your son is in boot camp send him a prepaid calling card. That way he can get you on your cell phones. They don't know when they get to call home it is sporadic so send him a calling card asap. My son is currently deployed in the Persian Gulf and we still have to send him calling cards if we want to hear from him.

randy said:
will someone let me know if these calls that are made home by our kids are collect calls or not. we only have cell phones, so he would'nt be able to call collect, and i'll be very sad for him. sprint told me the calls made are covered by the government, but i'm guessing he's not totally sure. help me please.
thanks for the reply navydads creator. will send him a prepaid card right away.

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