Navy Dads

Talked to my son, who's in A-school. 


He expects to complete A-school, then go into NPS. 


However, between NPS and prototype, there's a 9 month queue! 


Tell me he or I mis-understood! 


What the heck does the Navy do with a brainy, but bored nuke?


Seems to me like a formula for disaster. 


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Doesn't sound right to me. My son went straight to protype in Balston Spa NY after completing power school in SC. (three years ago)  Perhaps there may be a wait at one or the other prototype locations for some reason...but I doubt it is a nine month wait.  Either way you and your sailor have a long haul yet.  Buckle in and hang on because it is going to be an intense ride for both of you. Best of luck.   

I've heard about one month waits, but not this. Hope someone can answer.

My son (ET) started A-school in 5/14--took 2 weeks to class up (PIR was 4/27). He likes it so far, working hard, grades are decent, going to beach on weekends, just passed inspection, allowing him to wear civilian clothing.

Keeping my fingers crossed after reading about all the things that can go wrong.

Nothing informative here, just venting (and showing a little pride).

Some wait between Power School and Prototype is usual, but not nine months.  My son graduated PS mid May(several years back) and started Prototype there in GC in August.  He got to take two college courses while on hold, others did other various duties around the base.  For those staying in GC that seems to be fairly normal.

Sounds to me like a misunderstanding - either on my part or his. 

(sigh of relief).  The long wait sure seemed like a waste of brain power. 

(I have low tolerance of wasted anything)


He's about half way through A-School ---- really likes it. 


Honestly, I wish he would have attended the Academy - but ready to be proud of him, either way. 


Richard, mine (an MM) just graduated NPS on 25 May.  BTW great ceremony and I am glad I went, had a ball.  He and about 30 others are shipping to Kings Bay soon (note the vague reference for OPSEC) and expects to be there 4 - 6 months before prototype.  Many of the other recent grads are off to Norfolk for the wait.  Yes, going from 70+ hour weeks in the classroom to cleaning for 2 - 3 hours has them all bored.  And to paraphrase a saying from raising teenage boys; a busy nuke is a happy Chief.

My son just started power school after a 6 week wait.  They basically stand watch (12 hour shifts) and hang out with friends and look for something good to eat.  After a long while in Charleston you've been to all the  restaurants, and finding the really good ones in the area is about the biggest challenge during this time period.  Trust in your kids to keep themselves entertained and on the straight and narrow and focused.  Mine bought a car there, and I said uh oh, but it's worked out well and he's back in school. Probably about the same between NPS and prototype, I'm guessing.

Same here Douglas.  My son (MM) also graduated on May 25 and he has been told there's a 4 to 6 month wait to go to prototype.  He's been assigned to work with Habitat for Humanity in the community at their warehouse for 4 hrs a day and 4 days a week.  However, he has his wife and daughter with him so he will be doing plenty at home when not working.

Douglas H said:

Richard, mine (an MM) just graduated NPS on 25 May.  BTW great ceremony and I am glad I went, had a ball.  He and about 30 others are shipping to Kings Bay soon (note the vague reference for OPSEC) and expects to be there 4 - 6 months before prototype.  Many of the other recent grads are off to Norfolk for the wait.  Yes, going from 70+ hour weeks in the classroom to cleaning for 2 - 3 hours has them all bored.  And to paraphrase a saying from raising teenage boys; a busy nuke is a happy Chief.

Anthony, sounds like a pretty good assignment! I think it is great that some of their time goes towards doing good works.  God bless your daughter-in-law and granddaughter I am sure they realize this time is a "paid forward" blessing. 

What do they do?


Set up tables and chairs


Take college courses


Go fishing and camping


Say out of trouble (hopefully)

My sailor is an instructor at prototype. Says the students forget the basic information they learned at the beginning of power school. Says prototype students that are lazy or do stupid things can make it. But not if they are both.

My son is in the last few weeks of NPS and he said his class has been told to anticipate up to six months wait depending on prototype location.  I wonder if there is a component of rumor mill/sea lawyer going on, but I told my son that collecting time in rate, paychecks and benes is not as bad as begging a civilian boss for more hours in this messy economy.

He has bought a little autocross car and hooked up with a local car club for clean fun on hold time.


Prototype gets stressful.

The prototype bottleneck has been there for a long time and may be getting worse.

Four years or so ago my daughter waited 3-4 months - about.

Because of the bottleneck - once your kid gets in to prototype -

expect 12 on 12 off for a month or so at a stretch no weekends off - then a 4 day weekend - then back to 12 on 12 off - rotating hours.

It will be push push push to get through - both to make way for the backlog and to get new nukes to the fleet.

Several of my kid's shipmates agree that proto was more stressful than Power School

Hope this helps.




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