Navy Dads

My son (HC) who is now stationed at Sewells Point Med Center in Norfolk has been asked by his C.O. to return home to retrieve his car where it has been since he shipped out last year.  He was told it would help for him to be able to get from place to place during his working hours.  My son's car is very old and in disrepair and will need some work to make it road-worthy for a 900 mile trip back to Norfolk. 

My concern/question is; where does the Navy's responsibilities end and my son's begin where a civilian privately owned vehicle being used for military/government duty is concerned?  I've already been a bit surprised upon learning that my son and other sailors have had to pay for government-issue uniforms and equipment.  Is this not what our tax dollars are supposed to cover?  Are there not government vehicles available to those required to go from place to place on military/government business?

Basically the Navy is asking my son to perform his job using his personal vehicle at his expense.  Who is going to pay for the liability insurance, in-state registration, and operating expenses?  And what happens if my son is involved in an accident during his work hours?  If the car proves unworthy to make the trip and he cannot bring it back to Norfolk, is his career in jeopardy?

A concerned parent

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The unifrom and meal allowances have been around for quite awhile.  I have never heard of the need for a private vehicle on a military base for military purposes......I would question that request.....

have him say his car isn't running and see how it's handled.

I agree with Brad, Just be honest and say the car is not able to be driven that distance....

Not trying to be facetious here, but I've never heard of a CO telling a sailor to get his POV to move him from place to place during working hours. That just doesn't sound right at all. Typically there is base transportation available as well as government vehicles. If the navy wants a sailor to go place to place, they'd actually not prefer the sailor using his/her POV for that purpose because the reimbursement for gas and wear and tear on his POV becomes a paperwork accounting nightmare for the travel office. Just bear in mind though, if there IS a requirement for him to use his own POV, the navy will reimburse him in the form of mileage reimbursement and he would then be providing gas receipts, etc.

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