Navy Dads

My son left for Recruit Training on June 19 and got the scripted call at 0100 that night. he said we won't get his mailing address and other paperwork for three weeks.  I can only hope and pray it does come sooner.  Being former Army, I remember my bootcamp and getting letters no matter how short really felt so good and if my name wasn't called at mail call, the heart just sinks. I'm thinking he will get to his ship and training begins on Sunday or Monday.  Any ideas? I just hate being in the dark and helpless.

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with all the stuff on ND you'll never be in the dark....check the various links and discussions int eh Bootcamp group and then you can tackle all the stuff in the PIR group!!!  Not to mention the more than 500 videos we have to watch!!!

I totally know how you feel I mailed my husband a letter everyday last week and I got one from him today and he says he didn't get my letters. I am freakin out I have no clue what's going on hopefully he gets them this week I am praying.

Jack...the form letter won't go out until your sons division "mans up" and they are moved to their permanent ship...I'n heard of some parents waiting from 1 to 2 weeks for the my sons case, he left on a Tuesday, the kid in a box arrived on Friday and his form letter the following monday...hopefully you won't have to wait long.


Crystal....when a division is formed, an individual is assigned to sort and pass out mail daily....My understanding is that it takes a couple of weeks to get this individual trained and to get all the kinks worked out...

Thanks I hope so

OK, got the "Kid in a Box" package today. FedEx, guess it will be coming out of his pay. Everything I expected to see BUT... It appears they had him send back his paper for letters, his envelopes, his stamps, and his pens. Are these writing materials not allowed? And why did they make him send the pictures of him and his girlfriend back? Navy sure is tighter the Army if this is true. I was allowed pens, paper, envelopes and stamps to write home. Anyone got any ideas?


Jack...when you get the form letter, send it all back...maybe except the pens...just make sure it isn't bulky....8X12 envelope is acceptable even though the RDC's will check it...and yes the fedex will come out of his pay...


Thanks for the info, as for pens, do they supply pens, wouldn't they need pens and paper to take notes in class? 

Jack....My son hasn't asked for any pens...when SR's arrive they are given either a $150 or $200 dollar NEX card for necessities...RTC encourages them to use the card for those things...Did you send your son with an activated phone card?


My son's recruiter obtained his address the day after he arrived at RTC. We didn't expect it for a while so it was a pleasant surprise. 

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