Navy Dads

My son is in DEP, signed up to be an EOD Tech, and is heading to RTC in January.

In various forum articles, I have read lots of helpful ideas about preparation (for basic, dive school, EOD prep, jump school, etc). If Navy Dads have any more ideas or advice, I'd love to hear more.

There's one particular topic I haven't seen on any forum: Does anybody have an advice on how to handle washing out from the program? I think I have heard that the washout rate for EOD Techs is about 50%. While my son is focused on preparing to succeed, I wonder if people have advice on how he can handle himself if he has to be assigned some other rating.

Before he made the cut for EOD Tech, he had a contract for Nuke (great, I thought). His ASVAB scores were very good. But that contract is no more now that he's on the EOD track. How does the process work, and are there ways to influence the outcome?

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From what I understand, if he washes out he will revert back to his original rating. I am not exactly sure about this since his first rating is nuke, there are all kinds of special rules about nukes. I am working on obtaining a dive contract and am told that if I wash out of dive school I will revert back to my current rating, which is AM.

My son went through an almost identical process. It was, however, my understanding that when he accepted the new contract (diver) the original rate may no longer be in demand & as a result not available. The nice thing about DEP was that the time he was earning his new contract gave him time to consider if he really wanted to do it. I tried to stress to him that it was his decision but to carefully think it through. Once he was offered the new contract & accepted it, I have tried to be 100% enthusiastic and give him tips to make it through. Basically stay strong, you can do it, keep pushing, & NEVER give up. Obviously its just my opinion but once someone considers washing out as plan B it becomes a more viable option. We all know it's a possibility but I don't believe that should be the mindset going in. Additionally, I am the kind of father that tries to take the perspective that once they are old enough to make such serious decisions, all I can do is throw in my 2 cents, be supportive, & let him become his own man. I may live to regret that but that is how I feel. Best of luck to your son, tell him to be confident in his ability, & thank him for his service!

My son is just starting on his journry toward being a EOD Tech. He is starting dive prep and he is excited and ready to go. I feel better sence he completed basic. I can talk on the phone and Scype with him now he dosent seem so far away. He has already made some great new friends and has hooked up with friends he trained with before basic. I could tell he is really happy and so I am happy as well. Go Navy  

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