Navy Dads

I'm not sure what we'll have to share here but thought it might be a good idea to start something anyway.  My son is a 292 and has been assigned to Team 2 in Virginia Beach where he just recently arrived. His initial impressions are positive. He's enthusiastic and looking forward for the real work to begin.  As much fun as we had visiting Coronado, it's good to have him back on the east coast "in spitting distance".  My wife and I are obviously concerned about his impending first deployment, as I'm sure many of you are as well.  Not much we can say about that other than that our fingers and toes will be crossed and our candles lit.

Views: 2962

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RyeJim -

As you are able to make this a private group, I would appreciate including me.  I will also send you a friend request which means we can send private emails.  I notice the Facebook "like" is option - for sure facebook is a bad idea I would think. 

now remember this is for a group...create one by clicking ADD and you'll see the various do not need a website address or location.  Whomever creates it, you'll have admin rights for the group so can moderate and delete as you see fit.  Regardless of privacy settings, be careful and monitor is easy for folks to get wound up and violate OPSEC or PERSEC without realizing it.....any help you need- do not hesitate to call on any of the site's admin team....

I would also like to be included RyeJim.  Not so sure how much info can be shared but I would welcome getting to know the families of other "after the Trident" team guys.  Thanks



I would like to be included as well ...


Would also join RyeJim.  Son is 292 grad.

I also would like to be included . My son 293 . thanks 

my son is 277. set for 3rd deploy. please include me.

I'd like to be included,as well. Class 286! Thanks, Jack

JG, my response to ur e-mail won't go thru. Jack[sorry too burden the rest of you guys w/this.}

Having been to Va Beach 4-5 times over the past year, it is an interesting place. More strip malls & shopping centers than I could have imagined![I hate strip malls & shopping centers} Huge military presence supports this. Great beach access, GREAT seafood , small joints off the main drag are the way to go. Exception is WATERMAN's on the boardwalk. Horrible drivers abound! Off the beaten path, all changes: open space, more open beaches & BBQ. Our son & his teamate have a great condo close to base @very easonable rent. All thru a realtor whose husband was in the teams. Good luck t all of your sons as they advance thru the teams. They're still FNG's, & so are we! Jack    


Are u unable to accept the Friend Request? I tried to send another message to you and received the following:

"You can't send a message until Ct Jack accepts your friend request."

Maybe an Admin can Help ya out and then delete this conversation from the thread!

Ct Jack said:

JG, my response to ur e-mail won't go thru. Jack[sorry too burden the rest of you guys w/this.}

Looks like our guy is almost done - Can someone answer if there is a "proper" designation for the guys once they graduate?  ie:   SO John Smith,  or S.O. John Smith, or something else (other than awesome!). I'm getting something engraved and would like it as close to "right" as possible.  Thx.





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