Navy Dads

Hi all! My brother is currently at Great Lakes- graduated basic training in February, and is "on hold" for A school for a couple months. He is turning 21 this week, and as his older, wiser sister, I would love to send him something like an engraved flask or an etched glass, or maybe even a bottle of something expensive.

My question is- what are the rules for alcohol in the barracks? Can he have alcohol in his room? And can they receive alcohol in the mail? (Probably won't do that one anyway, too much hassle) If he can't use my gift, I'd rather send him something else he'd use. 

Thanks so much!!

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don't do it....send something else and save the alcohol for leave at home

Thanks Jim & Paul... Got the skinny from the man himself! Figured I'd ask to be safe. No alcohol in the barracks at all, but he does have liberty until midnight and on weekends, and can go to the bar on base. So he'll be able to celebrate properly, but I won't be sending him any bottles or pint glasses to use in his room. Even an engraved bottle opener would be only marginally useful at this point.
Any other gift ideas for a newly-legal sailor? Already did the watch thing for PIR :)

Careful on the liberty part. If some of his buddies are underage and they drink, he can be held accountable.

take heed- alcohol use at A-school is NOT a good idea-- my daughter had a number of friends that ended up at mast for alcohol use off-base that caused them to oversleep making them UA...because some were underage and blew over the legal limit they were in huge trouble and as I recall some were discharged from the Navy.  There is very low tolerence for this.....

Paul and Jim are absolutely correct. To reinforce what Paul stated, my last assignment before retiring was being the Provost Marshal, hence my earlier statement to watch out if the buddies are the right age when going out on liberty. There was little tolerance then and there is even less now.

Also (not meant to scare people) keep in mind if the civilian significant other (not just spouse, but also fiancé, girlfriend/boyfriend) gets too much alcohol, it falls back on the sailor and can put a serious dent or end the career before it even starts.

As for gifts if he doesn't have a Kindle, that might be something nice. It small and easily put away. My son has the HD with the 8.9 inch screen with him on the Bush. If you go for a kindle and get a protective cover don't go fancy (black, grey or blue only).

Kindle....great idea- make sure he gets some downloads as well!

Just one add-on if you go for the kindle go with the 64GB, because even if games and books are samll, in this manner, he does not have to constantly check or erase something, since games add up on the space side. My daughter and wife also have Kindles and thats where I know it from. I just have to get my daughter a new cover when she joins the Navy, since the hot pink is not quite right.


Another thing you might want to consider to get him a software add-on so he can skype with you when he is deployed. Always nice to see a face imnstead of just talking or writing.

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