Navy Dads

My son is leaving for Great Lakes in about a month. He seems to be getting a little nervous about what to expect. Since I was never in the service I can't help. Anyone have any words that I can pass along to him? 

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Show him the videos in the Boot Camp group so he'll have an idea what to expect. Listen to his RDC's.....keep his mouth shut....and do EXACTLY what he is told! The first month is the hardest! ....and everyone gets nervous.....He will be just fine!

There are a couple of sites that describe almost exactly what happens the first 6-7 weeks of boot camp. Have him read those as well. Should be easy to find with a Google search. Aside from that, from what my son told me: listen and follow every direction exactly as you are told. Don't get too discouraged the first few weeks, those are the toughest. Make sure he is getting in shape now, and studying the start guide now, it will make it easier (not easy, but easier). My son said boot camp was actually not all that bad except for the lack of communication with family and friends. However he said it was tougher for people that were completely unprepared for what was going to happen.

Great advice from all.  Our daughter had a very good recruiter that spent a good deal of time helping Kami prep for PT, the oath, list of commands and so forth.  As part of her prep, she and I would do PT when I came home from work.  It was great spending that kind of time with her.  Of course she should have trained with someone that actually could do her PT.  Once she got to boot, she said that she should have worked out with her brother in stead. LOL.   I know you're anxious, and so is your sailor, but enjoy it.  There is something special about all of it.  You'll see.

Hi John....all good information......if I may humbly as fit as he can be entering the training.....eyes and ears a sponge.......(yeah, mouth shut)....... positive mental attitude.......positive energy.....and, if your family is so inclined, a little prayer to our Almighty Father for strength, courage, perseverance, and acceptance of His will......   Best wishes to your family..... ~ Pat

read thru this....there is some really good advice:

All of the above is very good information! My two cents as physically prepared as possible. Eat healthy, keep the weight down, and try to build some muscle strength. Do not use steroids or any other muscle enhancer. They test for that stuff.

When my son got out of boot, he told me that for the first four weeks, the RDCs hardly knew his name. He said he kept his mouth shut and did what he was told.

We wish all the best for your son!


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