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In ship11 division 327

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My son leaves for boot camp on August 25......I'm very proud of all sailors in boot camp.

Good luck to your son.

My son leaves on Sept. 19. Very excited and proud of him!

I have a son that just left yesterday and I am heart broken right now but am looking everywhere for support like this website.  Good Luck

Hello, my name is Raul Borrego from Corpus Christi,Tx.  My son just left for boot camp on 8/09/2016. I am very proud of my son and look forward to attending his graduation on 09/30/16. Although it was tough to watch him go, I know it's what he wanted and he is looking forward to his future !!

My son left on the 8th and will be graduating 9/30 as well. Ship 3 Div. 333
Just received first letter from daughter. She had so much to say . It sounds like it is getting easier by the day. Did well on swimming test. It was good to hear from her. She said not bad an this coming from a girl that was so picky at home. I was glad to here that.
Glenn how far along is she? We are still waiting on our first letter.
She left July 27. Got first phone Sunday the 14th. And first today letters today
So I would have about a week before I hear anything. I can't imagine how excited you were to get the letter. I received one but it was just the graduation and ship info. But still good to get something


When you got the letter did it come with his box of clothing that he had when he left or did it come separately?  The letter gave you his graduation date and his mailing information?  My son just left on the 8.16.16 and I am eagerly awaiting his information because we never got his phone call when he got there and the closure has been dragging without that call.  I am just waiting on any information for him.  I also found this service where you can email your letters to this email service and they print it out and then mail it to him, which is very helpful because i can basically write him any time i feel and not worry about going to the post office.  I just need his shipping information, which I have not received yet.

Clothes an form letter separartly

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