Navy Dads

My son arrived in Chi-Town on 4/30. We did get the one 37 second phone call from him and we received his box of clothing and orders but we still havent received a mailing address for him or his PIR date? Has anyone else gotten any of this yet from their future SR? Anyone out there have a son or daughter who arrived on 4/30? Id love to hear fom you.

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you should get the form letter with that info any time now

Hey Paul,

My son arrived 5/1. Just a day later...I hope that is close enough for you. He is located in SHIP14 DIV242. We haven't heard much from him since. Just a small letter and two quick phone calls. He mentioned that he got some bronchitis but was working through it. Other than that he is just a little homesick.

Looks like our boys are at or around week 6. More than half way there... :) It looks like they will be doing firefighting training and shipboard damage control this week. Sounds like fun.. Except the all PT...LOL!!!

I hope your son is adjusting well and enjoying the Navy. Be sure to thank him for his service... :)

Take care and best wishes, Rob

Hello Rob, Thanks for your kind words, I will be sure to let my son know. When is your boys PIR date? My sons is on June 28th. Just booked my hotel and rental car and cant wait to make the long drive there from Connecticut in a few weeks! I spoke with my son a few weeks ago and he told me that they made him section leader of his division. I dont know what that is but it sounds interesting. Adam was also homesick when he left but now he just says its boring and wants to get to A-school asap. Kids like to rush things along, wait til they get older lol! Great talking to you. Best wishes and thanks to your son!

Hey Paul,

Glad to hear that Adam is finding his way and MAJOR CONGRATS on making Section Leader!! We got our second letter on Friday and Ty sounded much much better. No mention of the bronchitis which was a relief to his mother and I. He did however mention that he got some award or recognition. Sorry... I am not quite sure of what he was referring too as the letter was very short and had little details. He added that it has to do with taking on added responsibilities that nobody else wanted and followed up by saying that he had the cleanest toilets in the ship... LOL!!!

His PIR date is June 28th and then he will be off to Pensacola for A school (AV training). Where will Adam be going to A School and what kind of training can he expect?

Take care, Rob

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