Navy Dads

Our son's PIR is 12,Aug,2011. Is there anyone else on here that will be attending? On the Navt for Moms site my wife found out that the Ramada in will host a Meet and Greet for those who's son's or daughter's are graduating on Thurs. the 11th. they just need to have an estimate of about how many plan on attending. Is there a forum that is already started about this? HankE   

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Since NavyDads is not connected with the other site in any way, you'll have to contact them for info unless someone has started a discussion here.

My wife has already done that on "Navy for Moms". I was just wondering if anyone that is on this site new about it. And if you like I could be the go between. Just let me know about how many people plan on attending. I will get more info from my wife about what the hotel will do and post it here, if thats O.K.


My wife and I are attending with our friends joe and Lisa

yes on navy my wife has already rsvpd under ship10 div.257 hope to see you their.


Outstanding! Looking forward to meeting with you also. We are most definatley attending. That is our sons ship also.
Joe, My wife asked me what is your wifes screen name, I have a feeling they may kind of know eachother.
Joe, Finally remembered to ask my wife what her screen name is on Navy for Moms.                              It's mom c (ship10/div257)

hi hank my son is shp10 div257 also I just found this site my wife is also on n4m she is moob1976 we are attending the meet and greet too my son is andrew

Hi Bruce and welcome aboard. Unfortunatley I will be going back to Midway to pick up my father-in-law as his flight is getting in at 7:30 PM. My oldest son and wife will be attending the meet and greet. I will ask them to say hi for me . What state are you from? We are from Connecticut. My wife's screen name on n4m is mom c(ship10/div257) not 100% sure if its that exact way but it should be somthing like that. Was really looking forward to meeting some of the parents, but I quess thats not to be. Hopefully we will get to meet at the PIR Our son Mike will just be going across the street as they say as his "A" school is at Great Lakes so we will have a few hours to kill while he gets settled in.  Hank

"Is there anyone else on here that will be attending?"  Wild horses won't be able to keep the Mrs & I from being at RTC on Aug 12! LOL!  We plan to be at the Meet & Greet.

hi hank my son has a school at great lakes too he is either et or fc so we will have a few hrs too kill we plan on going too the nex to wait for andrew we are in alabama sorry about meet in greet maybe see you around base somewere

Hank Carlozzi Jr. said:

Hi Bruce and welcome aboard. Unfortunatley I will be going back to Midway to pick up my father-in-law as his flight is getting in at 7:30 PM. My oldest son and wife will be attending the meet and greet. I will ask them to say hi for me . What state are you from? We are from Connecticut. My wife's screen name on n4m is mom c(ship10/div257) not 100% sure if its that exact way but it should be somthing like that. Was really looking forward to meeting some of the parents, but I quess thats not to be. Hopefully we will get to meet at the PIR Our son Mike will just be going across the street as they say as his "A" school is at Great Lakes so we will have a few hours to kill while he gets settled in.  Hank

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