Navy Dads

My daughter is away at boot camp. Since she left her car (my car actually) at home and plans not to take it on to A School, etc, anyway, I was going to drop her off my auto insurance. The agent, however, told me to leave her on for a variety of reasons: in case she drove when she came home on leave; so she would have an insurance record and some others.

Are they just jacking me around? Do you have to have auto insurance when you don't even own or have a car?

Thanks - TomT

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I'm not an insurance agent but when Evan left for boot camp we also dropped him from our insurance. We were glad to get rid of that high dollar ins. Once he was in the Navy he took out insurance in his name which was much cheaper for his truck. If he comes home and drives one of our cars and wrecks it, Oh Well! that's why I pay my uninsured motorist. Any one can drive my vehicles and they'll be covered. I'll check with an insurance friend of mine to be accurate but I think your agent is jacking you around. The sad truth is they won't be home much to drive. My son has been in close to a year and half and he's been home maybe 5 times. Wouldn't make much since to pay insurance for all those months for the hand full of days he's home. My advice, drop her off and when she comes home let her feel like a kid again and be a rider or catch rides with friends. I'll get back to you when I hear from my friend.
Tom we were told the same thing , after our son got out of A school and bought a older mustang he talked to some of his Navy buddies and decided to go with USAA insurance . i dont know much about it, something for the military personal, but i can tell you that the cost of car insurance was something he could afford at his tender age , LOL
josh still has this insurance to this date, he is also happy so far with it .
Just trying to help .
Eric took out USAA on his Trailblazer SS and considering the horsepower that thing puts out, it is a pretty decent policy for a pretty decent price.
Tom, I agree with the others. Biggest thing is to make sure you cover your liabilities. I'd consult with another agent/company about your coverage when your daughter may be home to drive a vehicle. If her car is actually in your name, that's the way I'd approach it. The kids seem to manage to get around while they're at A school just fine without cars.
I would check with not only another agent but check your state laws, some states require maintaining insurance if you operate a motor vehicle. Besides if she does drive the car and wrecks, your uninsured clause may cover your car....but she could still be legally responsible for damage to the other car as well as getting cited for operating without insurance, and if she is in a field that requires security clearences it could hurt her career.
Hi Tom,

I'm in the same situation. My agent said we could drop him (his truck is in my name as well), but where he might have a problem is when he applies for his own insurance (probably won't need it until after A school). It is important to show no gap in being covered to most insurance agencies. We have left him on during boot camp in case he comes home before A school, but I think I was just nervous to count my chickens before they hatched. We plan to drop him when he goes to A school. We'll be fine and if he drives one of our cars and there is an accident we are covered just as if we loaned our car to anyone. He only needs to be on our policy if he lives at our address. However, rules are different state to state.
Thanks to all for the replies. Here's what I'm going to do. Since she only has two more weeks until boot camp graduation (fingers crossed!), I'm not going to change anything. But when she goes to A-school, she's off my bill. The ironic thing is that I'm adding a new 16-yearold female driver so it will probably be the same amount anyway!

My actual insurance agent (not the office peons I've been talking to on the phone) told me that she should get the USAA insurance mentioned on this forum when she gets a car (or I take her car to her) after she gets to A-school. From what I've read online, she probably won't need a car at A-school anyway - not for a while at least.

Thanks again,
The needing or not needing a car at A school depends on where she is going. When my son was in A/C schools at Corry he was allowed a car as soon as he classed up (about 2 weeks), there are other bases that will not even allow A school sailors to even ride in cars (theirs or anyone elses) while in A school, so she may need to wait until she gets to A school to find out the rules at her new base. As far as insurance son still at Corry (Pensacola, Fl) found it was cheaper to stay with our State Farm Office in Cleveland, rather than pay the outrageous cost of Fl car insurance.
Tom, my son is currently a Marine at Camp Lejuene, I dropped him from my policy 6 mos after he he was in and my insurance comp reimbursed me for all the time since he left for boot camp. I could not see keeping him on the policy when he wasnt here. I had to fax a copy of his orders to go to Parris Island for them to reimburse the previous 6 mos. My youngest son is leaving for Great Lakes in 3 weeks and i will probably do the same.
Tom my son left for boot camp and I removed him from the insurance my company told me to contact them when he is home and I will only be charge for the time he's home on leave. Good Luck
We have USAA and they put my son on a hold policy while he was in boot camp and A school so that he wouldn't have a lapse in coverage. I called them the day before Tim came home and added him back. Then when Tim got home we called back and got him his own policy.
Debbie saw by your member page about the New Jersey Sailors we are from Jersey to can you fill me in Thank You

Debbie said:
We have USAA and they put my son on a hold policy while he was in boot camp and A school so that he wouldn't have a lapse in coverage. I called them the day before Tim came home and added him back. Then when Tim got home we called back and got him his own policy.

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