Navy Dads

My son has been in since July 23 at Great Lakes and we still haven't got a letter or card yet has anyone else received a letter yet. I know no news is good news but we are anxiously awaiting a letter.



Jeff Reed

Proud Navy Dad


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right on schedule....typically nothing until week 3-4

got my kid in the box today that was fast he just enter boot on tues

We didn't get our first letter until 3 weeks in BC. Hang in there and keep writing to your SR...

This is typical, it sometimes drives those of us back home crazy, but keep sending your SR letters, he will need that more now than you need to hear from him. My son is almost done with BC and we still are wanting more letters, but like you will hear often, no news is good news.

My son also been at GL since the 24th.... My wife just called and told me we finally got his letter.  Now I have a long day at work til I can get home to read it.  Hang in there, it will come!

We got our first letter also, and he called last night but we were not in he left message and told us he was getting our letters and was fine. It was a little emotional I wish we would have been home or called our mobile phone. I don't look for another call until final week or so. I'm glad to hear you recieved a letter enjoy.

My son's division is 299.
Troy Klevgard said:

My son also been at GL since the 24th.... My wife just called and told me we finally got his letter.  Now I have a long day at work til I can get home to read it.  Hang in there, it will come!

Just got a nice 4 page letter from Matt, continuing to do great. Says he is getting out of shape, cause PT not that hard, LOL. Worked his butt off before going. Said he continues to pretty much ace everything, but the Division as a whole is struggling, that he and others are trying to bring up those that are having problems. He was picked for the Honor Guard, but then got weeded out because he is in the Nuke Program (don't know why).

His Becky got a cute T-shirt for her "Lucy" My Heart Belongs to a NAvy Nuke"


Got our first phone call from our son last night.  Was great to hear his voice and chat with him a little.  When he went in he had a bad cold, now it has turned into respiratory infection..but he is on meds and from the sound of it he is doing well.  He is in Ship 04 Div 303, PIR September 21!!!  Always Proud of him!

today is a very very rough day son been in bc for 2 weeks and i think not hearing from him is the hardest not knowing how he is doing. its been a day of a lot of tears and alot of wondering. my son is my best friend i miss him so much. i hope that i get a letter or something from him soon this is killing me. i know hes in great hands but that doesnt make any easier. SON I AM SO PROUD OF YOU.. GO NAVY

Hang in there the letter is coming approx 3rd week they will start coming, also around 4 th week there will be a call also, my son has been in since July 24, and have been getting letters it makes a world of difference and gives you some peace of mind.

Jeffrey K Reed

My daughter is also in Ship 04 Div 303 with a PIR date of the 21st. They must be shipmates. I also got a call from her on the same Monday afternoon. She said that they only had 20 minutes for her entire ship to make calls so she made it short. She had first called her brother, then her mom, then her best friend, and me last. At least I was on the list. She was crying a little and said that she missed us, but that she is doing fine (it's hard). I told her I'm trying to write a letter every day and she said she would really love that, even though she's never been one to either write or read letters. I guess it's different now. I've only received one letter from her, but between her resistance to writing and her busy schedule I guess that's to be expected. Today is the beginning of their fifth week, hump I'm thinking that she's going to make it. Perhaps we'll meet at PIR?

2 weeks til PIR and we can't wait to go see it!  My son is also in Ship 04 Div 303.

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