Navy Dads

My Daughters recruiter gave us her ship name ,cvn # , And div # what else do I need Address etc. Thanks in advance for any help.

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Melvin, on the main page of Navy Dads there is a link that gives the different ship addresses. It is located in the about this site section at the bottom of the right side of the page. hope this helps, Tom
CLICK THIS LINK for the link to RTC mailing addresses...........
Thanks that helps , but im not sure which ship # the recruiter told me the ship name (enterprise) so now i have to figure that out. thanks for the help.

Tom B said:
Melvin, on the main page of Navy Dads there is a link that gives the different ship addresses. It is located in the about this site section at the bottom of the right side of the page. hope this helps, Tom
You should be recieving a form letter from the Commanding Officer, soon. Your Daughter will fill in the Division number and she will have a space for a brief note to you. It has some information about Mailing Packages, phone calls, visiting recruits and such. She should be getting time to write to you on Sundays. She won't have much time so the letters may be brief.
Got it Yesterday Thanks

Russ Pike said:
You should be recieving a form letter from the Commanding Officer, soon. Your Daughter will fill in the Division number and she will have a space for a brief note to you. It has some information about Mailing Packages, phone calls, visiting recruits and such. She should be getting time to write to you on Sundays. She won't have much time so the letters may be brief.
David- that is pretty darn close to "normal" should start to recieve some news typically in the third week of bootcamp. Keep writing.........
For All---- Please Review This Link regarding timing of comm from your sailor. Remember that, and I'm sorry here but there is no PC way to say this, but the Navy needs to "cut the apron strings" that hold your sailor to will not hear much from them for a few weeks. Rest assured that the old adage about no news being goood news holds true and that your recruit is in good and safe hands.
I would suggest that you write you children as much as possible during BC. My daughter said the letters made the experience a lot easier.
We wrote, my wife and I, separate letters and got to writing on alternate days so he would receive more. One Friday he said it was like "letter Christmas" because he got so many. He said they really made all the difference and it is a real learning experience for them when they can't text or email or use the cell. The old fashioned letters earn a real value.
We started receiving letters at the beginning of week 3. The "info" form letter says to write your recruit often. So we do. We number and/or date them since he might get multiple letters at a time. Once you hear form them, send them a newspaper. They will enjoy it if they can keep it. Our son asked for one. Its in the mail now.
We started receiving letters at the beginning of week 3. The "info" form letter says to write your recruit often. So we do. We number and/or date them since he might get multiple letters at a time. Once you hear form them, send them a newspaper. They will enjoy it if they can keep it. Our son asked for one. Its in the mail now. He has been in boot camp since June 2nd. Other than the form letter with the 2-3 lines at the bottom, we have received 2 real letters.

David Perschbacher said:
Do all Commanding Officer's do this. My son has been at Great Lakes since June 16 and we received the 10 second phone call on the 16th and nothing since.
I am going on the premise...No news is Good news.
I have heard only twice (letters) and my son has called 3 times since June 16th..He said that last week was really tough and he sounded worn out; however, they do and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. From what I hear BC is not like we experinced a few years ago. Never the less it is an event one will always remember. All and all what is impressive is listening to my son on the phone and you can hear it in his voice that he has really grown (matured), since he left home. Yes, keep the letters coming even though they do not have the time answere them. No, they do not have much free time and by 2000 hr they have put a long day.

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