Navy Dads

Anyone have a son or daughter that left for bootcamp on July 13/14 2016? Just curious if anyone got info for sending letters or if anyone got a personal call? Aside from the initial "I got here" call on the first night.

We have a son that went through bootcamp 4 years ago and I can't remember how long it as before we heard from him or got his mailing address.


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form letter with address should be 7-10 days after arriving at RTC....if you get a "I'm still alive call" that'll be around week 3-4

Hi Paul we received our box on 7/19 and a form letter on 7/23. Best of luck to you.
Thank you. What date did your son or daughter start? Was it also on July 13/14?
My son left July 14th, should have been the 13th but the weather was bad. Did you receive anything yet?
We only received the box of her clothes etc. no letter of Pir date etc. was hoping to have her mailing address. Thanks for letting me know

We are now on vacation until Sunday. So if anything comes we won't see it until the 31st.
Did you re

Lisa said:
My son left July 14th, should have been the 13th but the weather was bad. Did you receive anything yet?

We just did PIR 7/15/2016 and when he first went in we got the box and my wife was upset that the letter wasn't in there. However, we did get it about a week later. This seems to be the norm. When you watch the video on what happens when they first get there it seems logical that the letter would not be in the box. I know it's difficult to wait but you will get it. 

I never received the form letter. It must have gotten lost in the mail. I did receive the box with his clothes and cell phone. By the 4th week I was panicked, but due to privacy issues nobody would give me his address and it was not an emergency. Finally, I did receive a letter from him with a PS Please respond to this letter. My heart sunk thinking everyone else was getting mail, except my son. We set a letter ASAP he graduated July 15th and is in Master At Arm A school in San Antonio. I was thrilled to get that letter and hear all was going great. He did get a few phone calls too, which made us feel so much better too.

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