Navy Dads

Thought I would start a chat about this class, as the boy is currently in this group. Just a spot to swap stories and backgrounds of the men, families and adventures of this class. Please no names and try to stay away from discussing time lines of Phases or course completions, or detailed descriptions of training evolutions as trying to keep OPSEC in mind.

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Well another call today, not much more info other than, cleaning an actuator for inspection can be a pain:)
Well the boy made the cut and he is officially a member of Class 281. Fun begins on Monday
Monday 2100 hrs. Just got in the door from seeing my son and delivering him his pickup this weekend. He also made the cut, but me thinks he is gonna be too tired to go anywhere for a while.

John L said:
Well the boy made the cut and he is officially a member of Class 281. Fun begins on Monday
I agree, been noticing the phone calls come at the end of the week now, with one tired boy on the other end.

Jim (SO Dad) said:
Monday 2100 hrs. Just got in the door from seeing my son and delivering him his pickup this weekend. He also made the cut, but me thinks he is gonna be too tired to go anywhere for a while.

John L said:
Well the boy made the cut and he is officially a member of Class 281. Fun begins on Monday
Congrats to you Class 281 Dads! Keep us all informed. This is a long road -- and we can help each other through it! My son from Class 277 continues his journey. He's been back in San Diego from Alaska for a couple of weeks now. And still working toward his Trident in May. So our family has been at this for 15 months (so far). Go SEALs!
Well sounds like they had some Dors this week and some injuries. I know my son had to see the medic today, with some respitory troubles. He was so miffed not to be out with his boat crew, but they put him on qtrs fo the rest of the day and he hopes to be back at it on Monday. Said it was really ruff and the instructors are as tough as nails.
Just got off the phone with my Son. He said the same thing. He says his worst thing is "Baby Butt" Sand rash in the crack. He still has a great attitude...

John L said:
Well sounds like they had some Dors this week and some injuries. I know my son had to see the medic today, with some respitory troubles. He was so miffed not to be out with his boat crew, but they put him on qtrs fo the rest of the day and he hopes to be back at it on Monday. Said it was really ruff and the instructors are as tough as nails.
Well the boy is doing better and ready to get back in the game. For those of you who have Face Book accounts, there is a page showing pics from 281 on 16 Feb 10 also some videos from previous classes. The page is called Navy Seal &

Hope every one is having a good weekend.
Well keeping my fingers crossed, hoping the boy gets cleared by the Docs today. I guess the lost thirty this past week.
Welcome aboard! I hear the same stuff from my son. I agree the boys from the northern climates, although from what my son says, doesn't matter were your from the Pacific is Frikin Cold this timeof year:) Haven't heard anything from him so I'm going to assume no news is good news.

Jonathan M said:
Hello to all. I am new to this group. My son is also in Class 281. Spoke to him this weekend. Said it was some tough going. Said the team evolutions (log PT, elephant walk, etc.) were the toughest. The individual and timed evolutions allow you to set your own pace. The cold doesn't seem to bother him too much. May be better for those from more northern regions, more used to the cold. Worries most about injuries. Said one of his boat crew injured his knee on a run, not bad, but re-injured it when another boad flipped into them. Much worse this time. Was told to continue on or quit by medical. DOR'd. My son felt bad for him, said he was a real stand up guy. (This is high praise from my son) He did provide on laugh. Said he and a couple of others went to TGI Fridays for dinner. They asked the waitress to recommend the dinner with the highest calories per dollar. She was a little stunned. Best to you all and to our Sailors.
Welcome aboard Jonathan! Keep us informed. Here's to 281!

Jonathan M said:
Hello to all. I am new to this group. My son is also in Class 281. Spoke to him this weekend. Said it was some tough going. Said the team evolutions (log PT, elephant walk, etc.) were the toughest. The individual and timed evolutions allow you to set your own pace. The cold doesn't seem to bother him too much. May be better for those from more northern regions, more used to the cold. Worries most about injuries. Said one of his boat crew injured his knee on a run, not bad, but re-injured it when another boad flipped into them. Much worse this time. Was told to continue on or quit by medical. DOR'd. My son felt bad for him, said he was a real stand up guy. (This is high praise from my son) He did provide on laugh. Said he and a couple of others went to TGI Fridays for dinner. They asked the waitress to recommend the dinner with the highest calories per dollar. She was a little stunned. Best to you all and to our Sailors.
Night Time Rock Portage Tonight!



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