Navy Dads

Thought I would start a chat about this class, as the boy is currently in this group. Just a spot to swap stories and backgrounds of the men, families and adventures of this class. Please no names and try to stay away from discussing time lines of Phases or course completions, or detailed descriptions of training evolutions as trying to keep OPSEC in mind.

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John L, What's the latest? Hope your son is doing well. Jerry

John L said:
Well heard they did a little bay swim today and I guess a couple DORed on Monday.
Well from what I'm hearing they are getting to ramp up difficulty levels...trying to thin the herd. Boy is doing well still very motivated, learning to deal with blisters and chaffing/runners rash:)
For those of you who might not have heard, NBC Nightly News is doing a five part special on what it takes to be a US Navy SEAL. During the filming of this they shot footage at both GL and Coronado. Talking with the boy, if you look close you might see some familiar faces from 281 when they show trainees. It starts this Monday (25 Jan 10). Sounds like things are going well in SD for the crew, big storm blew in which cut one day short. After that though plenty of time to appreciate the mask:)

John L
Thanks for the update on the News John..
I'm hearing the same things you are. My son doesn't say much unless I ask & then he may not say much :)
Jim B.

John L said:
For those of you who might not have heard, NBC Nightly News is doing a five part special on what it takes to be a US Navy SEAL. During the filming of this they shot footage at both GL and Coronado. Talking with the boy, if you look close you might see some familiar faces from 281 when they show trainees. It starts this Monday (25 Jan 10). Sounds like things are going well in SD for the crew, big storm blew in which cut one day short. After that though plenty of time to appreciate the mask:)

John L
John, Thanks for the update. I remember when a film crew was in Coronado and I heard it was for a HBO special. I don't know if this is the same filming. I have set to DVR so I can put them on my computer and piece the SOF stuff together. I will let you know if I am successful.
Well they showed the story on the Today Show this morning and you can see it on their web site. They advertised it would be on tonight, but we got skunked for Haiti and the woes of being President right now. Oh well, what I saw of this morning, looked interesting showing Class 280.

Hope everyone’s day is going well,

Hello Gentlemen,
EVERYONE we know contacted our family re: the SEAL programs on the Today Show. They especially liked the clips showing the ice water drills in Alaska (which is exactly what my oldest son in Class 277 was doing at about the time these specials appeared on TV). He did great and LOVED it up there! His Class returned to Coronado earlier this week. Looking forward to their Tridents in May! My younger son's DEP continues to go very well. His group actually went to Great Lakes last weekend for a Pre-BUD/S work-out -- he can't wait to report for Boot Camp in Aug! I hope all is well with Class 281 -- keep us posted. Go SEALs!

John L said:
Well they showed the story on the Today Show this morning and you can see it on their web site. They advertised it would be on tonight, but we got skunked for Haiti and the woes of being President right now. Oh well, what I saw of this morning, looked interesting showing Class 280.

Hope everyone’s day is going well,

I am not sure why but all the guys I have talked to really liked Alaska. Personally if I were there I would never get out from under a electric blanket and would not even my toe in the water. These guys are really something special.
I think I saw my son doing a Pullup in the background, He thinks it might be him.
I'd like to be 19 again & be on my son's boat crew. I was never in the shape he is in now. He says he is looking foward to Alaska.

Jerry M said:
Hello Gentlemen,
EVERYONE we know contacted our family re: the SEAL programs on the Today Show. They especially liked the clips showing the ice water drills in Alaska (which is exactly what my oldest son in Class 277 was doing at about the time these specials appeared on TV). He did great and LOVED it up there! His Class returned to Coronado earlier this week. Looking forward to their Tridents in May! My younger son's DEP continues to go very well. His group actually went to Great Lakes last weekend for a Pre-BUD/S work-out -- he can't wait to report for Boot Camp in Aug! I hope all is well with Class 281 -- keep us posted. Go SEALs!

John L said:
Well they showed the story on the Today Show this morning and you can see it on their web site. They advertised it would be on tonight, but we got skunked for Haiti and the woes of being President right now. Oh well, what I saw of this morning, looked interesting showing Class 280.

Hope everyone’s day is going well,

By the way. I know I'm not the only one checking out N4M's. Those girls are informative & fun. It's good to see you over there Grandpa...

Jim (SO Dad) said:
I think I saw my son doing a Pullup in the background, He thinks it might be him.
I'd like to be 19 again & be on my son's boat crew. I was never in the shape he is in now. He says he is looking foward to Alaska.

Jerry M said:
Hello Gentlemen,
EVERYONE we know contacted our family re: the SEAL programs on the Today Show. They especially liked the clips showing the ice water drills in Alaska (which is exactly what my oldest son in Class 277 was doing at about the time these specials appeared on TV). He did great and LOVED it up there! His Class returned to Coronado earlier this week. Looking forward to their Tridents in May! My younger son's DEP continues to go very well. His group actually went to Great Lakes last weekend for a Pre-BUD/S work-out -- he can't wait to report for Boot Camp in Aug! I hope all is well with Class 281 -- keep us posted. Go SEALs!

John L said:
Well they showed the story on the Today Show this morning and you can see it on their web site. They advertised it would be on tonight, but we got skunked for Haiti and the woes of being President right now. Oh well, what I saw of this morning, looked interesting showing Class 280.

Hope everyone’s day is going well,

Well it appears that "The Suck" has begun. Chatted with the boy, first the good news...The class is doing better than the Instructors thought they were going too...and for the bad...there are only so many spaces in BUDS and Class 281 has too many candidates...soooooooo.

He also said that Boat PT and Log PT really highlights, those that can hang and put out and those that can't and or aren't.

Boy sounded good, but week...BUDS version of Music Chairs...who passes the test and gets to go on to PHASE and who has to wait.
John, Thats the very same thing my son told me.

You would think they are roomies.

John L said:
Well it appears that "The Suck" has begun. Chatted with the boy, first the good news...The class is doing better than the Instructors thought they were going too...and for the bad...there are only so many spaces in BUDS and Class 281 has too many candidates...soooooooo.

He also said that Boat PT and Log PT really highlights, those that can hang and put out and those that can't and or aren't.

Boy sounded good, but week...BUDS version of Music Chairs...who passes the test and gets to go on to PHASE and who has to wait.



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