Navy Dads

This week my daughter had to go to class on drugs and alcohol we have never had a problem with her but im still concerned is this just routine or do I need to push the issue?

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It's just a Class Melvin so don't worry everything is alright! From a Mom who's daughter already been through Boot camp, PIR, A School and C School and now working in the Navy in Japan!!
Thanks I thought so but Its always good to here from parents that have already been there done that.

Cora said:
It's just a Class Melvin so don't worry everything is alright! From a Mom who's daughter already been through Boot camp, PIR, A School and C School and now working in the Navy in Japan!!
Melvin your daughter will also get a finaces class and a few others while she is in. My son took accounting while he was in high school but the Navy made him take a finances class, he also told us the the instructors and the petty officers all told everyone that they were in charge of that if they heard the sailors were running down and getting the payday advance loans that there would be hell to pay for whoever had them. another way for them to take care of their sailors without having to hold their hands the whole way.
Yes finance class is also very important because for some this will be their first time to ever have a paycheck and there are businesses and people out there that will take advantage of them and the Navy is right on top of it to make sure they are aware and that it doesn't happen to them! Some will slip through the cracks and get scammed but the majority will listen and learn and it wont happen to them! My daughter found out that it was a good class to have as at first she was oh the navy don't need to know what i am going to do with my money but the reality of it is that the navy is just taking care of them ..kinda a second parent if you want to look at it that way. I feel very confident in that!! And I am a take charge MOM!!
The Navy gives periodic training on drugs and alcohol. Attendence is manditory no choice. My son is angry that he has to sit through it as he has never touched drugs and alcohol. Some of these training are given at regular intervals and the Navy requires attendence records to be kept. As above finances is another one. As a federal employee I have to take computer based EEO and employee ethics every year.
Yes,my daughter is not happy about it either,but she just turned 19 and a long way from home. We have never been suspicious of drugs or alcohol, but neither were my parents I tried drinking(never drugs) we raised her to be smart so im sure shes ok and im glad she chose to be a sailor and im sure they will take care of her. And thanks for all the support from you guys.

Chuck said:
The Navy gives periodic training on drugs and alcohol. Attendence is manditory no choice. My son is angry that he has to sit through it as he has never touched drugs and alcohol. Some of these training are given at regular intervals and the Navy requires attendence records to be kept. As above finances is another one. As a federal employee I have to take computer based EEO and employee ethics every year.

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