Navy Dads

Well. We hand our daughter over to the Navy tomorrow. She checks into a hotel tomorrow evening, goes to MEPS Tuesday morning and off she goes. Lots of mixed emotions tonight. Nobody really said as much, but we all seemed to stretch today out as long as we could. It was a nice day. I'm very proud and excited for the opportunity that lies ahead of her, but still nervous for my little girl. I can't help but wonder if I have done enough for her. I had the opportunity to attend her last DEP meeting this past week. Being able to talk to the Navy personnel helped a lot. I recommend that every parent take the time to go to at least one DEP meeting and the recruiters said they wish more parents would do so. Even though I'm excited and nervous for her to go, I have been preparing myself for the day. Gonna miss her being home and it's yet another sign that I'm getting older. She's the first to leave the nest. Haha. What I realized tonight though is that I hadn't even considered that I wouldn't be seeing her friends/boyfriend anymore either. I was surprised that I was sad to say goodbye to her boyfriend tonight, that guy that I've watched like a hawk, as he has to return to school tomorrow. What a weird feeling. Never crossed my mind until that moment. Gonna miss him and all her friends rummaging through the fridge as if it was their home. I wonder what else I haven't prepared for. I know my wife is going to be a mess. She's already broken down a few times. I really hope I am able to find the right words and do the right things to help her. It's gonna be an interesting couple of days, that's for sure. Never thought you could feel emotions on both ends of the spectrum at the same time, sad yet so excited for her adventure.

My apologies for rambling...just needed to talk.

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Well he made it to Chicago. Was texting back and forth with my daughter on our drive back home. Had to wait an hour for bus then another drive to RTC. Was great to see him and the other recruit swear in this morning. I handled it better than I thought I would. Will be great to see him in the few short months and expect he will be a little different than before.

Thanks Craig for letting us jump on with you during this crazy ride. Hope all of your recruits are well. Will talk soon I'm sure of it. Tony

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