Navy Dads

Did not graduate held back for 1.5 mile run under 15 minutes. Has 8 chances to pass.

My Daughter was not able to complete the 1.5 mile run under 15 Minutes and was held back and put on Light Duty because of a illness. She is feeling better but has not passed in the last 5 runs. Also they are having her group do Yoga on the floor without any mats on the floor. She says this is hurting Her joints and making it more difficult for her to do the run. If the Yoga is giving her pain and making more difficult to do the run She should be excused from doing the Yoga.

She said they only get Eight tries to pass the Run. If she does not pass She will be processed out of the Navy and have to take a Bus back home to California. She is 19 years old and I'm worried about Her having to travel back home by herself. 

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YES1 YES! So happy to hear the good news. I knew she could do it!. I know how you are feeling right now. Remeber i went through the same suffering as you. You feel so helpless, except continue to encourage them. My son also went to corpman school in San Antonio. I will tell you it is not an easy course, soo keep her confidence level high and MAKE sure when you speak to her these famous words, "STUDY" "STUDY".

My son had some issues there as well with passing some tests. He retook 3 of them failed them then retook them and passed.. He had to go in front of a board to determine if he was to continue or just be sent to the fleet as nec oooo corpman, he was grilled for 1-2 hours and it was decided to put him back 2 weeks in an earlier class. AS your daughter he did not quit. He DID graduate from Corpman school on 2/4/16. He is now in his 3rd week in "C" school Lab tech. A headsup for you,  tell your daughter should she have to deal with the same circumstances, about what my son went through, it should help her to know that she is not the only one who may fail a test and feel it is deja Vu all over again. Any exam they take should they fail will be able to retake it the next day so you do get chances to pass.  Fail 2 or more and you could go in front of a board and possibly be put back to an earlier class. The board wants to hammer you to see if you still have the drive to want to continue or not. If I can share any of my "dad" experience through my sons corpman days I will be happy to help. Just so you know the wifi situation in S.A. is not the greatest so be prepared for some shall we say added expenses for cell phone and external wifi service fee's should she need to keep in touch. We use SKYPE you download from the internet you have it she has it and you can see and speak to each other as if she was across the table. Definitely worthwhile. As she goes through the weeks she will start to have more free time, in the beginning not so. Again congrats to you and your daughter for her accomplishment. Keep in touch. By the way I too am an Army BRat(LOL) 82nd Airborne 12/60-12/63 D Co/ 2nd 501 and 1/505 Airborne Germany. and Special Forces. We are brothers in Arms. 
John O'Malley said:

My Daughter just called today with great news that she pass the 1.5 Mile Run with a time of 14:30. Next she will be moving on to Battle Stations. Thanks to everyone for your Support!

We were able to watch a YouTube Video about a Sailor's experience with the "A" School in San Antonio before she went into the Navy. She has a year of College so She should be able to get an extra rank up after boot camp. I will remind her to pay attention and study. She wants me to mail her Laptop to her when she gets to "A" School. We have Skype loaded on her Laptop. It will be nice to see and hear her.

She wants us to fly to San Antonio when she Graduates "A" School. I heard that she does not get Leave until they complete the "C" School so it will be awhile until she comes home.

I will keep reminding her to keep working on her PT and School work so she will be prepared when she has to Test.

My Dad was in the Air Force we were stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany for two years when I was in elementary school.

I was stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington, and Fort Richardson, Alaska when I was in the Army.

We are in the same boat with our daughter. She failed the run and has this week to get it passed. I am praying we do not get a phone call until the one we will receive after Battlestations 21. My last letter to her was nothing but encouragement and positivity. Anything I send this week probably won't get there until after her last run test, so I wait and pray for silence. I will update you all once I find something out. She is scheduled to graduate Sept. 2nd.
Good luck to your daughter. And tell her to stay positive . One question how did you find out that she did not pass. I was just wondering because my is in boot camp now. And I think her p/t training was last week. I haven't heard so I'm hoping that is good .

She told me and my wife  when she was able to call home. She also wrote about it in her letters.  She is on ship staff and missed a bunch of PT because of that and failed her run by 2 minutes the first time because she stopped to walk due to her ankle hurting and having shin splints.  I encouraged her to push through the pain for 15 minutes because it will be worth it in the end and tried to tell her that she would have passed if she ran the entire time.  Good luck to your daughter.  Hang in there.  No news is usually good news!

Sean.....understand that this is not uncommon. Recruits often need extra work in order to pass certain tests. Her RDCs will do everything in their power to get her over the hump. Please let her know that all of us Dads are cheering for her on the sidelines! She can do this!

My daughter, Brenna, passed her 1.5 mile run on the 20th!  We just got her letter telling us so today!  She finished in 14:43, but who cares, she passed.  On to final inspections and tests and battlestations and then graduation.  9 more days!!!

Awesome news.....onward and upward!!!!!!

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