Navy Dads

My wife just received a phone call from Craig Ship 3 Div 163; saying he didn't pass his running requirement but he will be tested again on Monday.  Does this mean he will not be graduating with his class or is everything pending the outcome on Monday?  I appreciate any advice on whether I need to change our flight / hotel / rental car reservations or wait until we hear from him on Monday. Graduation date is April 26th.  Thanks for any information... 

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Thankyou for the information!  He's won several awards including being only 1 of 5 in his division to qualify as a marksman.  Praying that he will pass on Monday!!!!

Will do.  Thank you very much!!



My son was in the same situation when he was supposed to graduate on 1/4/13.  We had no notice before hand that he was at risk of not passing the run. We got a phone call (1/3/13)while we were on the our second plane of the day waiting to back away from the terminal.  It was our son saying that he would not be graduating with the division and he was told to tell us to not come to the base because we would not be allowed on the base because he wasn't graduating.  We couldn't change plans since we were already on a plane and his grandmother was already in the air on another flight and we met her in O'hare to break the news. 

We did go to the base and got on and was able to meet with a "public relations "person.  We found out that he knew two days before that he would not be graduating with the class but was not allowed to call us. (never got a reason why)  He was doing fine in every other aspect of basic training (recieved expert for shooting but he missed the run time by 6 seconds and was not given another oppurtunity to pass until the morning of graduation. We finally got to have some family time with him for 1 hour in a small room after waiting in a another small room near the graduation hall for five hours.  We had to see all the graduates meet with thier loved ones after the ceremony and that was pretty hard to take. 

There were four other families that experianced the same thing as us that had no notice of their sailor not passing.  It was a bad and expensive experiance all around because we knew he would be staying in Great lakes for his first school and we planned on spending the weekend with him. 

He did pass the run while his division was graduating. That is why we had to wait so long to see him because they couldn't find him.(????)

The good news is that he got his orders today in A school (he has already done BESS and BMS school) He has been assigned to the SSN USS Montpeiler out of Norfolk, VA.  We are hoping he will get a couple weeks of leave before he has to report since we have only seen him in person for 1 hour since 11/6/12.(Thank God for SKYPE)

Sorry Jim for going off on a tangent but the Navy didn't give us enough time to change plans and it has kind of left a bad taste in my mouth about how the way things went down at the end of basic training.

Charles Wescovich


Great news!!!!!  Craig was able to pass his run and graduate on time with his division.  By the time we found out, we were already packing to go just in case but we were able to be there for his PIR and visit with him 1/2 of the day before he shipped out the following morning.  The graduation ceremony was really something to behold and it certainly stirs anyone's patriotism; who is blessed to attend.  Special thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers...  Mike & Linda Walton

Mike & Linda Congrats and Bravo Zulu Craig!

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