Navy Dads

Hey all just waiting for that letter form Great lakes with our sons ship number. Merry Christmas to all !!!

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Keep on writing your letters as you wait for an addy.  In one of your first letters, you may think about asking your son if anyone is not receiving mail.  Be sure they get a couple of uplifting or funny notecards (no musical chips in cards.)  We put a yellow "x" in the return address if our son was to pass on that mail to someone else to open.  

We were horrible--sending non-used taco bell wrappers, etc.  His RDC had a good sense of humor about it. 

My son Troy left for boot camp on Dec. 12th. We got our first letter about a week later and he was saying how

hard it is. He said before he left that he would not be homesick but he soon found out he was. He is set to

graduate on Feb 17th. The next letter we got he said things were getting better and they were starting pt and

classroom instruction. What ship no. is your son on? My sons on ship 02 The USS Reuben James. We are so very

proud of him as I know you are proud of your son. The hard part for me is not knowing what he is going through.

This site sure helps with all the advice and all the info it provides. Good luck to you and yours and God Bless.

Thanks for the reply Allen,

  Our son Sean is on ship 03 USS Hopper I'm glad your in communication with your son wish we would get a letter haven't heard anything since he went in on the 12th also. Kinda makes us wonder if everything is going ok. We continue to write him since we got his info I guess no news is good news, there is a lot of really useful information on this site just would like to hear from him personally as to how it's going there.

  Thanks again for your reply it helps to know others are going through this and what their sons and daughters experiences have been . Maybe well see you at graduation.     Dan.

Dan how is your son doing sir?

Hi missed his first call for some reason he had to call early which was 1:30 PM our time Pac. NW, sounded good he's halfway through says that some in his ship act like their in High School which gets them all in trouble.They started with 100 in his ship but down to low 80's  now because of screw- ups and med. issues PT is hard but doing good and should pass test easily, Letters mean everything to him and really appreciates the pictures from home.

Drop outs.  Our son said they adopted the song "Another one bites the dust."  He, too, missed more phone calls due to others acting up.  Otherwise, he had a good group. 

We even took pix of his favorite meal--he said that was "mean."  But, yes, a pix in every letter--even if it meant the dogs were on call to be photo subjects.

Hello i'm new to this site but I wanted to know if anyone knew how long it would be before i heard from my husband. He left for u basic on Jan 9th, the last time I heard from him is when he got to great lakes.

typically week 3 is when you MIGHT get a call.  Letters--- they are keep very busy the first few weeks- there is a lot to learn and the RDC's try to keep their minds off of home as much as possible.  You write as often as possible and he will appreciate it!!

Well ive been writing since the day he left, im now just waiting for an address

Our daughter has been in since Jan 4th.  We still have not heard from her except for the 'kid in a box' and the form letter with her address.  When should we expect to here from her?

Merrill Tucker said:

Our daughter has been in since Jan 4th.  We still have not heard from her except for the 'kid in a box' and the form letter with her address.  When should we expect to here from her?

maybe she had a lot of "p" days?

And a "P" day is a processing day.  It does not count towards their beginning time in training.

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