Navy Dads

Just got the first call this morning! So good to hear my sons voice! It was only for like 5 minutes. He says it's hard but he likes it. They just started doing PT yesterday. He said people in his division are stupid and keep getting in trouble. Lol. He has had one class and takes his swim test on Monday. Got his peanut butter shot a few days ago and said that hurt alot. Lol. Not sure what the peanut butter shot is though?

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it's a killer-strong antibiotic.....thick and painful

It's an anti-everything! Don't worry...the division will straighten up very quickly!

Lol, my son said the same thing the first time he called. He got his second call which was 2 weeks after his first call this past Saturday and it was much longer 20min or so. So expect a longer conversation and keep your phone on you at all times :) Still not enough time with then as we all know how much we miss them.

My phone is ALWAYS with me now. I also have a loud obnoxious ringtone so i can hear it over everything. Lol. 

Well he got another phone yesterday! Called his twin brother and his GF. His brother was very excited. He said he really missed hearing his voice. He passed his PT and written test. He has ranked up to E-2. Surprised he got another call this quickly! Hopefully this means he and his division are doing well!

Congratulations all the way around!! 

My son shipped on 10/16 got his box of belongings still waiting on letter with grad info. And that all important first call. Sound like yours is doing great congrats

Congratulations Chris.  My son arrived at BC on Oct 7th.  I received the 1 minute call confirming his arrival, received the box of his belongings, then the letter from the CO...and just yesterday I received my 1st call.  Made my day/week. He sounded strong and solid and it was good to hear his voice and more importantly to hear from him directly that he is doing well and thriving.  I believe he finds out in this week if he is upgraded to an E-2. He's in DIV 904 so he doesn't have a lot of free time but it's amazing that 3 weeks ago he entered and in a few weeks he'll be at PIR (Dec 5th).  Congrats on getting your 1st and 2nd call...I look forward to my 2nd call and hopefully hearing more of how he's doing.

His GF told me that in his message that he left her on Saturday, he won another phone call. They had a contest who could get dressed the fastest after PT and he won. So he should be getting his phone call sometime this week! Don't know how long this call is though. Hopefully i get one from him!

Good Luck with that Dad.....let's hope Mom and Dad win that phone call.....I hope you guys have a nice thread will make attendance at Sarge's and PIR all the more poignant....Best wishes to each of you..... ~ Pat

Right on Chris...nice to hear of that sort of incentive and "almost" fun-like competition.  I'm sure they inspect to the nines but pretty cool to hear that this sort of gaming is thrown out there to the recruits.  Congrats to your son...sounds like he's got his act together at BC.  Even if the call is a 5 minute deal...I'm sure he'll be proud to have earned it and the five is better than none. My son shared a pretty fun fact.  He's a pretty straight up kid and doesn't get into trouble at all.  He shared with me that last week he got a peek at a newspaper that showed the St. Louis Ram "Ramboozling" the Seattle Seahawks.  He let out a big "YES" and the RDC called him on it and he had some pushups to do.  He said he did all pushups with the biggest smile on his face (and his RDC kind of laughed as well as his excitement.  You see, he's a HUGE Rams fan and we're from Seattle and I'm of course a #12 Fan.  Needless to say, I did my part and sent him snippets of all the news articles I could find and figured that was the least I could do as the loser of that game. Cheers and hope you get that bonus phone call from your son!

Lol! That's funny Mike! My son and i are huge Oriole's fans and he left right before they played K.C. and got swept. I'm sure he didn't like my letter telling him the bad news. As for the "reward" phone call. Not gonna be getting it. He missed mail call last weekend and didn't get to mail out any letters. So they let him mail out 1 letter last Thursday for his reward. So he crammed 8 letters into 1 envelope for his GF!! Lol. So hopefully he didn't miss mail call this weekend. Hope to get a letter this Thursday! Damn kids!! Lol!

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