Navy Dads

~S~ All....I just found this site last night...and what a great Support site! It's nice to know that everyone seems to be sharing the same feelings! My daughter shipped on Aug 16th and is in Ship 03, Div 334. Unfortunately....I missed her 1st phone call home! I was like a kid at Christmas waiting to get home and hear all of the details from her Mom! She is doing well and is in a Leadership position within her division....proud as a peacock! She graduates on Oct 7th....if I can be of any help or offer any support to anyone....just ask!

Best wishes to all of your families and future Sailors.....:)

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you can look at the Recruit Division Command Structure at this link:

Thank you, Paul....but my wife didn't get the position!!!....Guess I'll have to wait for a letter....LOL! Caitlin was the Chief P.O. of Recruits here in Southern I'm really glad to see her continue on in some kind of role....

Update....We received 4 letters today!!! Caitlin says that they are limited for mailings as "letters are considered a privilege". So hang in their Gentlemen...they will arrive! It is a relief to gain a bit of insight as to what our SR's are going through. She is the RMAA for her division. She is very challenged....but very upbeat as to the whole experience. I can already sense the growth that is occurring with our kids. I made the mistake of watching some of the PIR videos on Youtube today and already found myself welling see the pride and confidence that these men and women now carry themselves with is absolutely amazing! The journey is long and hard....but the end result is worth every ounce of heartache that we are feeling!!! Let me hear your stories as they unfold......

We just got his first phone call Wednesday night. It came in about 10:30 PM. I hear that he doesn't get to sleep for the first 48 hours to get him on the same schedule. I can't believe he is gone. He is starting his Navy journey and becoming a man. My wife is having a hard time not having him around the house and able to call and talk to him. We are very proud of him and excited for our first letter.


   So your adventure begins....and how is Dad doing with it? I've got to admit that the first few weeks were really tough. I think that the worst part is not hearing from our Future Sailors. Give it a couple of weeks and you should receive an Info packet from the Navy with his Graduation date, address, and a very short message from your son...soon to be followed with a letter or two! That will put your mind at ease a bit. Write him as often as you can...I think that it really does help them get through. I wish your family and son the best of luck in his endeavor....Keep us updated!!!

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