Navy Dads

For those who have kids that might have just shipped to Great Lakes

Prepare yourself emotionally and know that you may not hear your kid's voice for a week, two weeks, even three weeks.  It is not easy for us parents.  My son shipped on June 9th and I have not heard his voice since.  he was gone for Father's Day, my Birthday, and he will be gone for his Birthday.  His first letter was horrible, we cried for a while and then cried a little more and then moved on.  He was homesick, he missed everyone, and he was wondering what he had gotten himself into.  Now he is starting his 5th week and he is in amazing spirits.  Sure he still misses everyone at home, but he has realized that now he is a part of something extremely special.  It is truely amazing to read his letters now and compare them to his first letter or two.  Just know that they are safe, they are being taken care of, and they of course are being tested.  Tested beyond any football camp or other type of training they have ever been trough before.  All of this is for a reason.  To be prepared to defend this great country of ours.

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Outstanding Roger, Hopefully, I will receive my letter soon.

Roger Reed said:

I just received my son's form letter. He has been assigned to Ship 03 Div 338 with a PIR date set at September 6. WOO HOO !!!

I received my son's letter today.  He is assigned to Ship 02, Div 943.  PIR is on Sept 6th.  Just purchased my airline tickets and reserved a rental car and hotel room.  Definitely looking forward to seeing the transformation in my son.   
Michael Huff said:

Outstanding Roger, Hopefully, I will receive my letter soon.

Roger Reed said:

I just received my son's form letter. He has been assigned to Ship 03 Div 338 with a PIR date set at September 6. WOO HOO !!!

That is fantastic Michael. Having that PIR date has been a big relief for me. I see the finish line as I am sure our sailors are seeing it also. I can't wait to see the transformation in my son as well.
Michael Huff said:

I received my son's letter today.  He is assigned to Ship 02, Div 943.  PIR is on Sept 6th.  Just purchased my airline tickets and reserved a rental car and hotel room.  Definitely looking forward to seeing the transformation in my son.   
Michael Huff said:

Outstanding Roger, Hopefully, I will receive my letter soon.

Roger Reed said:

I just received my son's form letter. He has been assigned to Ship 03 Div 338 with a PIR date set at September 6. WOO HOO !!!

Well we thought our son would call us when he passed Battle Stations, but he called his girlfriend instead.  It's a little disappointing to not get to hear it from him.  But I guess in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter.  What matters is he is a Sailor in the United States Navy!!!!  He also received a Marksman Award.  He will be going to A school in San Antonio for Master at Arms.  We couldn't be prouder.  Ship 11 Div 291, they will PIR next Friday 8/9, can't wait to see him.Thanks to everyone on this site that helped us get through this.

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