Navy Dads

Getting around Great Lakes, Chicago, and to and from the Base

How is the best way to get around the Great Lakes, Chicago,  PIR and to and from the aiport?

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Suggestions on Hotels. Hotels with shuttles to PIR?

Jim, join and check out the PIR Group under the Groups tab or click here and you'll find a wealth information posted there regarding the questions you have from transportation to lodging. Please let us know if there's anything specific you're looking for...

Jim we stayed at Springhill Suites and they offered shuttle service I'm sure there are a number of hotels in the area that offer shuttle service as well but call for rates. However, The Navy Lodge does not offer shuttle service.

Jim said:

Suggestions on Hotels. Hotels with shuttles to PIR?

The above link for the Springhill Suites leads you to their website.  They state that they don't offer shuttle service. 

John not to and from the Airport shuttle service!

The hotel uses an outside vendor for PIR as we call "shuttle". When we went in November the outside vendor is a taxi cab.  

Just for clarification the "shuttle" service I'm referring to is from Springhill Suites hotel to graduation and not from the Airport to hotel shuttle service.

Yeah I saw that, but every place listed said shuttle not provided.  Not just the airport.  Maybe they treat the base as a special condition.  Hope so, it would be nice not to drive.  Thanks Gary

The "shuttles" are generally provided by outside vendors for a VERY reasonable price (like $3/person) and are not provided by the hotel...they generally have a system for shuttle reservations setup.....

I'm not in marketing but if I were for one of these hotels in the PIR or Chicago area for that matter, with your stay I would plaster a free shuttle service to and from Navy graduation. I'm kind of puzzled why hotel shuttle service to and from the airport appears non-existent? Maybe cause of the high price of gas? Who knows. But it looks to me that there's a good opportunity to be had to generate extra business on a weekly basis. There must be a reason why...

Yeah like with SpringHill Suites it's not even posted on their website (but if you call them they offer the shuttle service to and from PIR) it's just so bizarre. It was really nice not having to drive to and from PIR, it was pretty convenient :)

John Speer said:

Yeah I saw that, but every place listed said shuttle not provided.  Not just the airport.  Maybe they treat the base as a special condition.  Hope so, it would be nice not to drive.  Thanks Gary

Gary I think it's because the airport is a hell of a long way from RTC. 

John I agree it's definitely not a 15 minute drive. When we were in the Loop Neighborhood downtown Chicago, we asked for a cab quote from Yellow Cab and it was $120 dollars to the hotel. My jaw dropped and we ended up taking the Metra train to Waukegan station and cabbed it from there...

John Speer said:

Gary I think it's because the airport is a hell of a long way from RTC. 

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