Navy Dads

Hello everyone,

I am happy to report that my son Manny is one week away from graduating from Great Lakes RTC. I received a letter from him today letting me know that he passed his swim quals and will be graduating on March 20th at 0900 hours. He also wrote that "hell week" wasnt so bad, and that he is going to basic fire fighting school and battle stations. I cant wait to see him, even though 8 weeks seem to have gone by fast, I have missed my oldest son everyday. I know that this is just the begining, but let me express how happy I am about joining as well as the US Navy family. To all of those who have responded to my questions and gave support, Thank you. And, may your sons/daughters have clear skies and calm seas.


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Manuel- remember that this site is for ALL Navy dads, not just the ones in bootcamp. As a dad with two sailors in the fleet, I use this site everyday to help cope with the worries and concerns that accompany having sailors deployed around the don't be a stranger and keep us in the loop! HooYah ! Paul

Didnt mean to make it sound like good bye, but rather Hello. And greatful to ge part of such a large family.
I will be in the stands with you! I have not received a letter since the day before she was to enter the Confidence Chamber. She did not seem so concerned about it. All she wrote was, "One of the other recruits says that tear gas smells like curry power. I hope not or else I will get real hungry." Indian food is one of her favorite types of food. LOL

HAHAAHAH,,,,Good deal,
Manuel and Tony.
I myself can't wait till you guys get to experience one of the most proud days of your lives in seeing your son/daughter graduate from RTC. I know that when you get back you will have all kinds of pictures to post on the site and have a ton to talk about your sailors. Feel free to express it as everytime I see a new dad posting their excitement on here about P.I.R. it takes me back to the day that my son graduated and the excitement comes back to me.
I have always been proud of the decisions that Trevor has made but when he told my wife and I that he was joining the Navy so that he could take care of his newly formed family, we were very reserved and worried about the timing of his decision. When we made the trip to Great Lakes and set in the P.I.R. hall with the thousands of other family members and watched as My son marched in. I had the utmost respect for him and I knew then that he had made the best decision that he could have ever made to take care of his wife and young baby for a long time to come.
I am awaiting this long week with you and am ready to hear of your experiences with your son/daughter and how much they have grown in the last 8 weeks and how much more proud that they have made you of them. I only hope that you have found some information on this site that will help you with things to do, places to go and spend time with your son/daughter.

This site is great and was a lot of help in answering all of my concerns. What I liked about this was it was answers from other parents. I am very proud of Manny and cant wait to see him Friday marching with his detail. Soon as I get home I will post pics.

Congrats to Manny!. My son Ray has been to boot camp for 7 days,he's still got a ways to go. We miss him so much, but we know he'll do fine...Best of Luck to your son Manny,I know you must be very proud..

Hello Keith,

Before you know it 8 weeks will slip by. Good luck to your son Ray. May he have clear skies and calm seas.

Hello Keith, I am in the same boat as you and many others. My daughter left on March 11th and we received a phone call last night (totally shocked and very excited too) and she is doing great. Stood her first watch (0000 - 0200) and she sounds so calm on the phone. She mentioned she is a division leader (not sure of the importance of that poisition but she is happy) and having a great time. Yes your right and so is Manny that it will go by fast and before we know it we will be at PIR and posting pictures of our proud Son's and Daughter's. This web site is great and ALL YOU parents are SUPER TOO. Keith good luck to you and your Sailor and I will comment as info comes in. Take care, Gordon
CONGRATS Manny to you and son, I know one of the last times I wrote was the concern about the swim qual, worry over !!!!!! YEA YEA On his journey in becoming a proud sailor and serving his country.... Great Job...... As he is an obvious reflection of his parents, GREAT JOB. All the parents need to remember that, we did a pretty good job in showing them a direction in life that will be with them forever. I hope your trip is joyous and safe and that you share with us your pics. Take care, Gordon

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