Navy Dads

A friend sent this to me so I wanted to share.


I want to start by thanking all of our veterans and especially the ones on our site. Thank you for fighting for my freedom.

December 7, 1941 is a date that the Navy will never forget. August 6, 1945 is the date the world will never forget. Our WWII veterans laid the ground work for what fighting for your country meant. They showed the world what we were capable of when it came to defending our freedom. The spirit of these men carried on to our Vietnam veterans to the days of Desert Storm.

September 11, 2001 is another date that our country will never forget. To think most of our Sailors were young teens when this happened, not really knowing what had happened. Now, they have volunteered to follow in the foot steps of past veterans. I thank them all!

I was glad to have seen this video and wanted to share it with you all.
So, remember if you see a veteran, don't forget to thank him for your freedom.



NavyDads Salutes You!



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That is awesome....should be required viewing for everyone!!
I agree with Paul. The youth of America are learning so little of our history. They need to understand. Too bad this can't be shown in the schools of the nation.
In my opinion history should be taught by our veterans , not some liberal,political correct teacher ,with a we hate America text book or a on line class that says the same .
Super video 10 stars ! thanks for posting .
It's very encouraging to me to see that the country has rediscovered respect for soldiers and sailors. Not like during my service. (Some envy on my part.) We are making up for lost opportunities to say "thanks", and that's a great thing.

As a veteran, all I can say will be this "Out Standing". I would do it again. Carry on!

Inspiring, makes my even more proud of my sons service.


thanks for sharing this video. it's not just interesting, it means something. teenagers nowadays around the world should learn a lot from the veterans.

Thank you Veterans!


I'm sure others feel similarly, but I'm especially touched by this considering the adventure that lays ahead for my young son.


May God continue to bless and protect America and all those who serve.


Memorial Day Weekend, 2012

I agree, fantastic video! It brought a tear to my eyes. I have a relative that was a German POW, now 90 years old.

Please be careful not to assume all history teachers are liberal, politically correct and teach from a we hate America textbook - there are many good teachers out there that still try to instill a sense of patriotism in their students!

Rex said:

In my opinion history should be taught by our veterans , not some liberal,political correct teacher ,with a we hate America text book or a on line class that says the same .
Super video 10 stars ! thanks for posting .

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