Navy Dads

We received a call today from our son stating that he has been sent to a recovery division due to a stress fracture in his left fibula.  He was supposed to graduate last week but was 20 seconds short on his run, then injured himself. He stated that now he may be in recovery for 8 weeks.  Just wondering if anyone knows if he will have to start all over after his recovery.

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no- he'll pick up where he was but obviously with a different division

Hi Roger........I entered "recovery division" in the search window at top right of Navy Dads....   There a number of responses.   Not sure if you have already done that.   I had not heard of a recovery division.   I am familiar with Ship 5.      I am not familiar with the protocols when  a SR is injured.    I suspect one of the Administrators, or someone with personal experience, will share information with you tonight.    Best of luck to your son and your family as you navigate this challenge.   ~ Pat

The Recruit Convalescent Unit (RCU) is for recruits who are injured or become ill during training. While in RCU, recruits participate in physical therapy at RTC's health facility, USS Tranquility, Freedom Hall Physical Training Facility or the USS Indianapolis Combat Training Pool. RCU recruits maintain their academic requirements while under medical care in their barracks.

 Thank you for all the imformation, it is greatly appreciated.
NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:

The Recruit Convalescent Unit (RCU) is for recruits who are injured or become ill during training. While in RCU, recruits participate in physical therapy at RTC's health facility, USS Tranquility, Freedom Hall Physical Training Facility or the USS Indianapolis Combat Training Pool. RCU recruits maintain their academic requirements while under medical care in their barracks.

Good luck Roger. Continue to support and encourage him. You and your son are in our prayers! There is always more than one way to get to where one is going as long as one doesn't give up!

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