Navy Dads

  • My son is looking to do IT, he's already taken ASVAB but waiting on a few waivers before MEPS, we're quite curious as to whether a basic training will be leaving before christmas for that job category if anyone else knows someone going in that direction. thanks!

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what kind of waivers....medical?  that could be a deal-killer as the Navy is not accepting very many, if any,  waivers at all.....

I truly appreciate the response, however that is something my son and I are and must be prepared for as far as dealing with enlistment is concerned, he did all he could to help his cause by scoring in the 96th percentile and approaching a fairly sought after position with the Navy. Actually our concern is whether a basic training is available to prospective IT enlistees before the new year, or if someone may have related insight.

   Basic is independent of whatever specialty the SR's contract for. Upon graduating, they move on to A School where they may have to wait to "class up"....(wait for a new class to form).

Oh really? I was under the impression that the recruit may have to wait for basic depending on when the "A" school would be starting, especially when considering the longer A school programs.

Thanks a lot Tom!

the wait for a boot camp billets is varied and can be weeks or up to a year....while there is an attempt to correlate billets in A-schools to start dates, with budget issues that seems to matter little anymore. Having a high ASVAB is not unusual ( my daughter scored 95 and the Navy begged her to go Nuke....she said MC or nothing.....she got the MC rating) so you do have some "wiggle-room" in negotiations for rating and possible ship dates....often with long delays for RTC billets open up and often recruits are called earlier than their expected ship dates. In general I believe ship dates are generally 3-6 months.........

   This is incredibly insightful, alsmost the same scenario we're going through right now. Thanks a lot. What is MC?

Mass Communications Specialist- a journalist in other such she got to write for and help edit the award winning Penny Press- the weekly paper for the USS Abraham Lincoln as well as give tours to VIPS, take photos, be a DJ for the radio station and a myriad of other duties. 

For what it's worth, my son enlisted in January, and actually started RTC on June 9, so that his basic training conclusion would coincide with the next IT class at Pensacola.  No knowledge about when the next class might start, but in my son's case, yes, they scheduled his RTC to accommodate his IT A school.

Now that's funny.

and keeping in that line of funny thought:

And even funnier!

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