Navy Dads

The navy is one heck of a branch. I thourughly enjoyed my time in service. But as some will find out nomatter how hard you try, there will be those in your chain of command that will step on you like a ladder to climb to the top. There are those in your chain of command will make a grave mistake and because they are a member of the goat locker do what ever they can to get you out of service before you can tell the authoritys. I was one of the unlucky few. Its what you do after this that puts into perspective your service. I STILL LOVE THE NAVY

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Not knowing your circumstances, not knowing the facts, and not knowing what the Hell you are talking about, I will refrain from defending the GOOD Chief Petty Officers, both active and retired. So why are you there then? To throw rocks from afar? To start sh*t? This is a respectable place for parents who desperately need FACTS regarding their children who have joined the Navy. They don't need troublemakers or wagging tongues- they need good, accurate, and unbiased fact-based opinions. If you are all about that then welcome aboard. If you're here to cast doubt on these parent's minds regarding their child's chosen profession, then go back to watching Fox News and blame everybody else for your failures.

Sorry to hear that. "Rolls down hill" doesn't it?

I left while the going was good. If I had reenlisted, there was a Chief Petty Officer who had left to teach at Millington who promised to destroy my career there because that was his turf and while he couldn't do anything to me in the fleet because it was my turf, he would surely get me at Millington.


If I returned to the boat where the Engineering Officer had been promoted to XO, he would be CO by the time I got back, and he was one of my enemies. Never figured out why he hated me. I never worked for him. Maybe it was because I wasn't afraid of him and didn't think he was as important as he thought he was. You know, little things like that.


     If we lie the parents will figure it out. They aren't dumb. The truth is like every other profession and every other organization the Navy has some bad apples. You just have to deal with it. No big deal.

     Likewise, alcohol and common sense are inversely related, right? 
Sammy Young said:

Not knowing your circumstances, not knowing the facts, and not knowing what the Hell you are talking about, I will refrain from defending the GOOD Chief Petty Officers, both active and retired. So why are you there then? To throw rocks from afar? To start sh*t? This is a respectable place for parents who desperately need FACTS regarding their children who have joined the Navy. They don't need troublemakers or wagging tongues- they need good, accurate, and unbiased fact-based opinions. If you are all about that then welcome aboard. If you're here to cast doubt on these parent's minds regarding their child's chosen profession, then go back to watching Fox News and blame everybody else for your failures.

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