Navy Dads

I was able to fly out to Great Lakes to watch my son PIR on Friday the 12th.  He was on Ship 11 Div 367.  What a great experience.  I recall my PIR at USAF basic more years ago than I care to admit, and it was well done, but I have to say, hats off to the Navy, what a class act!!!

Listening to everyone talk, recruits and family, boot is every bit as demanding and tough as it should be.  And comparing the teen that left us 8 weeks ago with the squared away young man that now proudly wears the uniform the contrast is proof positive of how good a job they did preparing him for Navy life.  Credit where it's due, it also proved to my wife and I, and to my son, that he can do anything he puts his mind to. I can't even begin to explain how proud we are of him, and how impressed we are with the transformation.

While spending time visiting during his liberty I explained how impressed I was with the change, and he said to me "Dad, I'm the same old goof ball that left home 8 weeks ago, except now I have a bit of military bearing."  I didn't press the matter, but he underestimates the change.  And, while my wife could not be there for PIR she was able to catch up with him briefly at the airport when he arrived to his A school.  She had the same "Wow" reaction to the change.

Anyway, had to share that and I hope that all are as impressed with the accomplishment of their new Sailors.  We couldn't have asked for anything better.

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Thanks for sharing. I am awaiting the Dec 3 PIR for my son. He also left as a 19 year old goof ball and I cant wait to see the change that you saw in your son. I am thankful that you raised a son that chose to serve his country!

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