Navy Dads

So glad justice was served by the hands of our very own Navy SEALs! If their was ever a debate who had the greatest Special Forces in our Military, not anymore! Job well done Navy SEALs, America Thanks You! Our Navy SEAL's went into Pakistan and conducted swift justice for all those who lost loved ones and their lives in the attacks on 9/11.







America Thanks You!









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Bravo Zulu SEAL TEAM 6!!! Nothing cures an A**hole like two in the head!! Hoo Yah!!!
Would loved to have seen Osama's face as he saw the Seals coming....had to have been an "Oh s**t" moment.

On behalf of the crew on The American Woodworker, I would like to say thank you for your hard won battle. We lost many fine Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen while fighting to find this monster. Thank God he is dead, and thank God for the Navy Seals, fine job Seals, absolutely superb work, and thank you Mr President for giving the green light.

God Bless all service members defending our nation, and thank you once again from The American Woodworker

John Morris

The American Woodworker

I just heard that Bin laden got all his virgins just like they told him he would and they all look just like Rosey O'donnel!
Great Day for the USA and the Navy, but a lousy day for humankind.  Necessary? Yes definately.  But not a good commentary on the state of humanity. Let's move on with higher aspirations. War is never a good answer, but sometimes the only answer.  I'm glad he's gone but a life is a life.  Never happy about that.
HooYah SEAL Team 6 and all the members of JSOC.
To all Seals!  Thank you for your every day sacrifice and dedication to what you do.  So appreciated by all of us.  Hoo Yah 
read back some of the posts -  I have to agree fishdad that all of the details don't have to be given out.  Our troops do need to be protected as best as we can and respect their work and situation.  May they all come home safe soon. 
I am so grateful to our Navy Seals for getting lowlife Bin Laden. My dad a WW2 vet cried on 9/11 in his home in Brooklyn. He said we fought and bled to keep war away from our shores. He felt he had let us all down. These brave men would make him proud if he were still alive. Our Navy made it happen!
Let's try to keep this on an adult level and not stoop to bashing,  PLEASE!!!

Jeff Flanigan said:
I just heard that Bin laden got all his virgins just like they told him he would and they all look just like Rosey O'donnel!
As a father of a son deployed I have made mistakes because of how proud I am. This is a time to be real secure in all our comments as to movements and locations etc. No matter how much I would like to say, espically as a former Firefighter. Hoo yah

Thank you President Bush for having the Courage and Conviction to fight Bin laden and terrorism when it was not popular to do so.  Thanks to our brave Navy Seals and all those serving in the Armed Forces.  God bless and Bravo Zulu!

Luis-Navy Dad & DAMN Proud!

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