Navy Dads

So glad justice was served by the hands of our very own Navy SEALs! If their was ever a debate who had the greatest Special Forces in our Military, not anymore! Job well done Navy SEALs, America Thanks You! Our Navy SEAL's went into Pakistan and conducted swift justice for all those who lost loved ones and their lives in the attacks on 9/11.







America Thanks You!









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I’m conflicted – while I do not applaud the death of a human being.  I do applaud our government and the Navy Seals for the extraordinary job they performed in the service of our country.   God bless all the men and women who serve our country.   It is never an easy job.  Bravo Zulu

Just wanted to drop a couple more lines in here since I've had more time to process Bin Laden's death.

SEAL Team 6, Bravo Zulu! It's unbelievable the precision these SEAL members demonstrated carrying out this mission. These men are Hero's to us Americans back home and the sad reality is we'll never know the names of these men to personally thank them or have the privilege of shaking their hand.


I've heard it reported that Bin Laden was murdered but I disagree, he died in battle. This is a man who declared war on our country in the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, a day we Americans will never forget. When most people would be scared to be accused of this crime, he took credit and had pride in the American lives he took on that day. He said they weren't innocent people but enemies. Killing Bin Laden didn't bring any of those lost back but it did send a message to the rest of the world and others that want to harm us. "We Are The USA, We Will Hunt You Down!, No Matter How Long It Takes!, Justice Will Be Served!"


This man claimed this to be his biggest accomplishment in life and once said "An American bullet would never kill him, that one of his guards would kill him before an American bullet could get to him". I wonder what he was thinking when he was starring down the barrel of a gun being held by a United States Navy SEAL. In that moment justice was served for all the family's that lost loved ones on 9/11. This is a huge victory for our country by ridding the leader of Al Qaeda. We are a safer nation with Bin Laden gone but because of him we will always live in fear of terrorism and will always have to keep our guard up.


But, I can say this. I'm a proud American! and I'm proud of the United States Navy for this historic accomplishment. Our Navy SEALs are the most skilled, trained, and dedicated men our Military have to offer.  And, when their country ask them to carry out a mission such as this, not only are these men not afraid but they have what it takes to accomplish the mission without a flaw.


Thank You SEAL Team 6! Although we will never know your name, your country is indebted to you for truly making the world a safer place. 


NavyDads Salutes You, much for "center mass" targeting...I've always said shoot em in the head...cant come back as a zombie!  BRAVO ZULU SEAL TEAMs....hooyah
SEAL Team 6....when you absolutely....positively....need to send the very best......
He can have his 72 Virgin's and he can explain to Our Heavenly Father why he lived his life on earth the way he did.
Sierra Hotel !!! Way to go SEALS !!! From a 5 rotation in the sandbox vet, pathfinder 110.
So proud of our boys!  Congratulations Team Six!  Bravo Zulu!  So glad my son is part of the greatest NAVY on the Planet!  Go NAVY!
Navy Seal Team 6 I don't know how many of you it was but you are all mega heroes for the job you had to do & you did it well.

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