Navy Dads

So glad justice was served by the hands of our very own Navy SEALs! If their was ever a debate who had the greatest Special Forces in our Military, not anymore! Job well done Navy SEALs, America Thanks You! Our Navy SEAL's went into Pakistan and conducted swift justice for all those who lost loved ones and their lives in the attacks on 9/11.







America Thanks You!









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HOO YAH Luis!!
Can you imagine the ferocity that two dozen highly motivated, well armed Navy SEAL's can bring to bear? The bad guy's must've been cr###ing their shorts big time :D
GREAT JOB SEAL TEAM 6!!!!!  This is a GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT!  So PROUD of the Navy Seals!
Thank you for posting this video. it is great to see our Sailors as they fight for our freedom.

Eric Heuschele said:
Bravo Zulu SEAL Team 6.  Let us not forget that bin Ladin was only one leg of a horrendous invasive creature that is still out there.
Absolutely!  There are many more out there like this creep!  Many may think this is "Closure for the Victims of 911" but if we allow that then our guard will be down! 
Bravo Zulu seal team 6 on a job well done. Hoo Yah
Great job Navy Seals!  Thanks to them and to all the branches of service who have sacrificed their lives trying to find the idiot.  Best news ever!
As the Father of A Further Navy Seal in training at this moment . I could not be any prouder than I am at this moment of all our brave seals!  Hoo ! Yah ! Seals  also God love all our services and watch over them no matter where they are ! ..  Hoo -Yah seal team 6

Wow. Thank you seal team 6. I am in awe.


I'm very happy for the 9/11 victims and their families. I hope this brings something good for them.


For myself? For someone that has love ones that walk this earth, I'm glad Bin Laden no longer walks among them.


Bravo Zulu SEAL Team 6! I recommend the book ROGUE WARRIOR by Richard 'DeadEye Dick' Marcinko. It was recommended by my son, who read it when he was in high school, and was a seminal inspiration in his decision to serve his country. It's an account of the life of the creator of SEAL Team 6, and it reads like a crazy Tom Clancy novel. The news outlets reported that the average age of the insertion/mission team was 38! There was nearly two decades of experience and dedication per member in that compound. The craven Bin Laden never had a chance. I choose never to revel in the death of another human, but I am so unbelievably proud and humbled by the service of our sons and daughters on this day in particular, and every day in general. Hoorah Navy!!!
Great video, thanks for putting it up.

Eric Heuschele said:

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