Navy Dads

I'm aware that most people are posting on FB groups but thought I'd throw in a post here (I haven't had FB since 2019). My son left 9/27 and is in Ship 13, Div 433.

Any other parents out there with kids graduating anytime in December?

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Congrats to your son! He looks ready.  I deleted my FB in 2018, I do wish this forum had some more participation, but who knows maybe will change. Post some updates of how his bootcamp is going. 

Thanks for the reply @eric; we got our first phone call LAST Saturday and we've received 3 letters so far. He's doing as well as can be expected in boot camp ha; he's pretty homesick but keeping his head down and powering through. Great kid, glad I got him for 18 years.

Being homesick is completely understandable.  My two sons who went through said the same thing. They both are 2 years past it now. When I asked them how they remember boot camp, they just smile and say it is like ancient history. 

They had it a little extra rough though. After months of physical training before they left, because of Covid they had to sit in a hotel with nothing to do for 14 days.  They both said that was one of the worst parts of bootcamp. Also, of course, they both got Covid during bootcamp. They said that really hurt. Could not mention it, or back to the hotel and start bootcamp over. So, they suffered through it. 

The coolest thing though is after A school when your son comes home. You shipped off an 18 yr old boy and what comes home is an 18 yr old man. 

Congrats to your son!  Hope he gets a good assignment after Great Lakes.

Thanks to you both for the kind words; I'm proud of him and even though I didn't push him toward it, I'm glad he's heading down the same path I did (USN 1995-2001)

From Friday

Congratulations to your son, and family!

Thank you!

Kevin Nor Cal said:

Congratulations to your son, and family!

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