Navy Dads

Lack of RDC communication to SR's reference to rank and pay issue

I would like to specify right away that I am not a disgruntled father of a SR that is being set back due to not passing pfa and prone float. This is to be expected. What I do not agree with is that the RDC are supposed to give the SR 1 hour of advise or support to iron out issues when required. My son was given in MEPS the rank of E-3 due to his 4 years of ROTC in High School. When he opened his Navy FCU account the record indicated he was an e-3 status. he informed me in one of his 1st letters that he was listed an E-1!!!.
His first paycheck which we checked indicated a lesser check amount = to an E-1. I wrote him and asked if he had approached the RDC at the time about this issue. He replied that he along with several other were in the same boat. When thay approached the RDC about this they were reprimanded and told not to bring it up. Today 9/4/15 we just received another letter dated 8/24/15. In this letter he stated that the issue about his pay grade was brought up again and the response from thr RDC (I wont mention his name) again did not want to hear about it. What is the SR supposed to do since he approaches his RDC and is told " I don't want to hear about it? Who can he contact without getting the wrath of the RDC on him for trying to resolve this ?. What is happening to the Chain of Command here? Don't they follow up for their sailors or can some be so callous as to not care. I do not defend my son just because he is, I am a Veteran of the 82nd Airborne myself I know the in's and out of the COC. My son has always wanted to serve and hopes to make the Navy a 20+ carreer, this start and lack of response from his superiors in my opinion is lacking in respect for the Navy and its values and is detrimental to the moral for the SR who are already under duress during their training. My sons recruiter, when my son signed for DEP was advised due to his ROTC service, he would enter as an e-3. The record sent to MEPS indicated that. So my question is" Who can rectify this since he is not in control to do so? Who does he or can he see someone who will take the time to correct his paychecks and his rank? Please we need help in how to reolve this issue before it corrupts the morale my son. His DAD and Mom need help on this since RTC until graduation is a closed unit. Has anyone out there gone through the same thing ? If so who did you contact?

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Thank you for responding to me. I am no going to make an issue of this with the Navy yet. You are correct that to fan the flames now would only make matters worse. I didn't want to sound like I was going to war over this issue. I have had my own experience in the Army when you try to push buttons and the consequences they bring. I still have hopes that this will resolve itself after he graduates. When he graduates. We were advised just days ago he is in the fit program. We know from other members and yourself what that entails so we will sit and wait for him to get to a school and see if this resolves itself. We will encourage him to follow this up then. We were just looking to see if anyone else has gone through this and could enlighten us on their experience. The information you gave us will help tremendously when and if it comes to my son following up on his own that is why I was sending this out to everyone. Thank you for taking the time to respond to me very much and for giving me this good advise.

 JIm, We thought originally that he did. He called yesterday 9/5/15 spoke for about 10 minutes. He said he PASSED THE PRONE FLOAT!!! but would now have to do the PFA on Tuesday. He said he has to do the whole PFA over on Tuesday, I thought you do only what you didn't pass???  anyway when I asked what the issue was for the run he couldn't give me a straight answer. I'll ask again today he said he would call today Sunday.We hope he does. He did say if he passes PFA Tuesday, he will do Battle Station Wednesday then he would graduate with his division on FRiday the 11th. We are on pins and needles that he does as we need to cancel the airline tickets by WEdnesday 5pm?? if he doesn't. we are ready to climb the roof(hahaha). We told him to hang in there and do your best. We will advise of what we hope will be good news no later than Wednesday. We do want to be there at PIR. Pray for our son. Thank you. 

   I believe that his paygrade will correct itself upon completion of Basic....until then, everyone is an SR!

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