Navy Dads

Hey everyone! 
I leave for bootcamp in 2 weeks! 
SOOO... Ready?
When people ask if I'm excited i don't really know.. 
There's so many emotions wrapped in one that I think I'm more anxious than anything! 
So ready to start my training and become and proud Sailor in the worlds finest Navy!!

Anyone have last minutes tips?
I know all my PQS plus some, starting Friday im goin to be getting on a strict sleeping schedule so once I'm in GL it isn't a huge shock! 
Really looking forward to being able to check back on here after PIR and giving everyone as much info (as im allowed) to give and hope it at least helps someone as much as you've all helped me! 
Most people won't ever understand the bond that "military people" have and let them keep wondering what it's like! We're a proud family!!
Hope all is well with everyone! Take care and thank you!

Anchors Aweight...

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HooYah!!  Pay attention to matter how minor something may seem, the devil is in the details.  Do what you are told, and always remember that you are part of a team....while you try to excel, make sure you try to help your shipmates excel as well.  Your mental attitude will determine how well you do....while the physical part of boot may be challenging, nothing you are being asked to do is impossible, and that thousands before you have paved the way.  And remember that when you arrive at RTC you will be kept up for about 40 hours...make sure you are rested when you arrive.......

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