Navy Dads

If your child has liberty and does not have watch, can they leave with you immediately after PIR? Or, do you need to set up a place to meet later on?


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Tony, this is what I know from the 13/03/09 PIR. My son Nicholas was considered a Grad and Go. Upon completion of PIR he spent approximately 10 to 15 minutes with us. He then left to gather his things and move them to the NTS.

A PA announcement advises those in attendance of those who will be required to move. When my son verified he had to move, my wife and I shuttled back to the hotel and waited for his call. Approximately 3 and 1/2 hours later I picked my son up at the visitor center by Gate 1. He informed me he had been given a 48 hour liberty with a 300 mile radius. Needless to say we checked out of the hotel and drove him home.

Sailors scheduled to leave Great Lakes for other bases had different departure times. Some of these sailors were allowed to leave the base with their parents or spouse. There were two sailors on my shuttle to the Marriott Courtyard. They had to report back to base before 21:00 hours. Other sailors spent the night with their parents or spouse.

In conclusion the final answer to your question will come from your sailor. He will be briefed in advance. He will be aware of liberty times, does and don't. Enjoy your initial meeting with them and show them how much you care. Take them out and buy them that favorite meal. Congratulations to you and your sailor and may he or she have a wonderful career in the NAVY. Gary F.
Once liberty has been calle dyour sailor can leave with you. Some of them have A grad and go as Gary replied, others do not. Most of the grads do not have the grad and go. Like Gary said your sailor will let you know when they have to be back on base if they have to do watch stations. If your sailor does not have the grad and go they will be put on a 50 mile radius from RTC.
The nice thing about the 50 mile radius is that you can travel to Chicago and almost up to Milwaukee. I know that don't seem like a long ways away but anytime you can spend with your kids is priceless. I would suggest if you go to Chicago that you take the train so that you get to spend more tim with your kids and not have to pay attention to the road and all the traffic. the train ride from GL to Chicago is an hour trip one way and that is alot of time to figure out what you want to do or eat. The cost for this was $5 per person back in August and that covered you all weekend long as long as you saved your reciept.
My son Trevor wasn't allowed to stay over nite with us. He had to be back on the toe line by 1930 so we had him back at base by 1900. they do have a walk back to their ship and there is no running on base unless you are doing pt so we made sure he had time to walk back. It was hard seeing him walk away for me but even more for my wife and daughter-in-law. The hardest time I had leaving him was when we had to come back home and leave him there. He grew up so much in that 8 short weeks but was still my little boy that was lost in the world trying to find his way. Now that he has his Wife and daughter with him he is alot better off. Good luck with your PIR and may you have a safe and enjoyable trip.
Gary and Tim, Thanks for the help. I was really confused if I needed to go back to the hotel toget the car or not.


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