Navy Dads

I stayed all morning and most of this afternoon by my sons side, waiting for his "swearing in". I didn't mind the long wait because I knew that I wouldn't be seeing him for at least 2 months. I am so proud of him for making this choice. He shows that he wants to become a sailor so badly. My wife is a mess, but I am trying to comfort her with the motivation that I get with I can't wait to see what kind of man he is going to become. Sail away my son, sail away.................

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My son, Kris left 01/04. I miss him but I am excited to see him grow into the man I know he is capable of becoming. He is about to be a father in the next week or so and I am so proud of the life he is starting for his new little family. He will miss the birth of his daughter, but he will be able to give her a good life. That makes me proud!037.JPG
I was in the same boat. We are all here for you.

Mr. Fleetwood said:
My son, Kris left 01/04. I miss him but I am excited to see him grow into the man I know he is capable of becoming. He is about to be a father in the next week or so and I am so proud of the life he is starting for his new little family. He will miss the birth of his daughter, but he will be able to give her a good life. That makes me proud!037.JPG
My son went through PIR in Great Lakes July 17th,what an awesome moment to see my son evolve into such more of a man than h was,he has been in A school pensecola and graduates in a couple of weeks what a great adventure all of us.
not all has been great but every day i s a growing moment

Eddie Gamboa said:
I was in the same boat. We are all here for you.

Mr. Fleetwood said:
My son, Kris left 01/04. I miss him but I am excited to see him grow into the man I know he is capable of becoming. He is about to be a father in the next week or so and I am so proud of the life he is starting for his new little family. He will miss the birth of his daughter, but he will be able to give her a good life. That makes me proud!037.JPG
My son is now out of bootcamp and is in Florida, he had to come home to be with family as my mother passed away this past week. I can not express in words how proud I am of him, he is turning into the man I prayed he would be when he was a child, which by the way seems like yesterday. I prayed that he would be a man of steel and velvet. A man of integrity and take pride in what he accomplished. I see it in action now and I am proud!
I can still remember the feeling I had when my son said good-by. It was 9 years ago and a funny thing is he's still at Great Lake. The difference is now he's the RDC. I'll tell you, I've always been proud of my boys and tried to be there for them and help them along in the right direction. I had a hard time seeing him leave and not being there for him. I'll tell you something you may not like, your son the boy IS gone. The next time you see him he will have become a man. My son has been in for 9 year now and has plans to do 20 to 30 years. I'm proud as can be of him and if he's your sons' RDC he's in good hands. I hate to say it but damn I still miss my boy, I only get to see him once a year when he comes home on leave or we go and see him. It was tough visiting him when he was stationed in Hawaii (LOL). All in all as a Dad of a little boy who left 9 years ago, don't worry and get ready to listen to all the storys he'll have and can't wait to tell you about.
All the best to you Ed,
Yes he is different, he is so grown, I mean he was mature for his age anyway but he is a man now. I am so proud of him, his wife is having a hard time being away from him. He is in Florida on hold for A-school so she hasn't moved there yet. He is not sure how long he will be there so she will be visiting him as much as she can. Someone told her housing will not be available for one year. Is this accurate? His little girl is almost two months old and he has only seen her once. His wife is going stir crazy raising his little girl alone! Does anyone know about housing in that area for these boys, or should I say men and their families?

Don Martel said:
I can still remember the feeling I had when my son said good-by. It was 9 years ago and a funny thing is he's still at Great Lake. The difference is now he's the RDC. I'll tell you, I've always been proud of my boys and tried to be there for them and help them along in the right direction. I had a hard time seeing him leave and not being there for him. I'll tell you something you may not like, your son the boy IS gone. The next time you see him he will have become a man. My son has been in for 9 year now and has plans to do 20 to 30 years. I'm proud as can be of him and if he's your sons' RDC he's in good hands. I hate to say it but damn I still miss my boy, I only get to see him once a year when he comes home on leave or we go and see him. It was tough visiting him when he was stationed in Hawaii (LOL). All in all as a Dad of a little boy who left 9 years ago, don't worry and get ready to listen to all the storys he'll have and can't wait to tell you about.
All the best to you Ed,
Eddie! Welcome aboard Navy Dads. My son has been in RTC for 3 weeks, and we miss him, but not as much as we are
proud of him. My wife is uncomfortable as well, with him being gone, but has found support on the NavyForMoms website. Have your wife go there. She'll make more friends than she can shake a stick at.
Our prayers for your son, and whenyou get the first phone call, in about 3 weeks, tell him thank you for serving from us.
After my son finished his A school his first station was in Hawaii. Once he was stationed he was given on base housing. During A school they MAY not give him housing. The difference is he was married while in A school to a local girl. His best bet is to talk with his commander and I'm sure he'll lead him in the right direction.

Mr. Fleetwood said:
Yes he is different, he is so grown, I mean he was mature for his age anyway but he is a man now. I am so proud of him, his wife is having a hard time being away from him. He is in Florida on hold for A-school so she hasn't moved there yet. He is not sure how long he will be there so she will be visiting him as much as she can. Someone told her housing will not be available for one year. Is this accurate? His little girl is almost two months old and he has only seen her once. His wife is going stir crazy raising his little girl alone! Does anyone know about housing in that area for these boys, or should I say men and their families?

Don Martel said:
I can still remember the feeling I had when my son said good-by. It was 9 years ago and a funny thing is he's still at Great Lake. The difference is now he's the RDC. I'll tell you, I've always been proud of my boys and tried to be there for them and help them along in the right direction. I had a hard time seeing him leave and not being there for him. I'll tell you something you may not like, your son the boy IS gone. The next time you see him he will have become a man. My son has been in for 9 year now and has plans to do 20 to 30 years. I'm proud as can be of him and if he's your sons' RDC he's in good hands. I hate to say it but damn I still miss my boy, I only get to see him once a year when he comes home on leave or we go and see him. It was tough visiting him when he was stationed in Hawaii (LOL). All in all as a Dad of a little boy who left 9 years ago, don't worry and get ready to listen to all the storys he'll have and can't wait to tell you about.
All the best to you Ed,
Hi Lee
just wated to ck in with you I saw your post your son and mine must have went threw boot together he is also on the USS Tortuga he took off today to sasebo. How long has your son been there?
Hank said:
Lee said:
I remember the day my son went to Boot Camp the Monday before Thanksgiving Day last year. When I next saw him at PIR, he was the man I always envisioned him to be. He is now on the USS Tortuga stationed in Sasebo, Japan! You will be surprised how quickly time will fly once he begins his time at RTC. Good luck and hang in there. Many of us have gone through this and lived to tell about it! :-)

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