Navy Dads

My son arrived at boot camp following a 3 hour delay in Nebraska. He took his cell phone with him (which we knew he would be sending home). The cool thing about him bringing the cell phone was we spoke for at least a full minute. I heard many stories and have read about the 10-15 second phone call. My son is going in as Nuke and I've been reading that they RDC's give Nukes a bit harder time in boot camp. I'm not going to buy that. I told him to keep his mouth shut, ears open and do as he's told. I think he'll do just fine. I've already sent him two letters. His recruiter was on the ball and provided me his ship and division #'s, exactly 3 days after he left and as promised. I'm now just waiting for his next phone call and to get confirmation of his graduation date. If my calculations are correct, I believe he will be graduating Friday August 23rd. That's if he does not get pushed for hits etc. I'm kind of sitting on pins and needles.

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My son left for RTC on the 24th. Got the 20 sec phone call Monday night. I was going to contact his recruiter tomorrow to try and find ship information. I have heard that length of p-days depends on when they have enough recruits show up to form a division, but my initial calculations make me think his PIR could also be August 23rd. Hoping to maybe receive a letter some time next week. Missed a FedEx package on Friday, I was wondering if it was his "box". Have to wait till Monday to find out. Best of luck to your son.

Just a suggestion - would advise waiting for the form letter you'll get with his correct address....recruiter's records are not necessarily current and they may not have the most recent information......

When does the form letter usually arrive?

usually a couple of days after the can get the address from the recruiter but realize until the division is setup and squared away he won't get mail anyway for a few days and if incorrect it will delay delivery for a few days

Thanks Paul.

Thanks all for the replies. I received the "box" today. I am in Roseville California. Still have not heard anything further from my son since his arival call however I did not expect to hear anything from him at this point anyhow. If anyone hears anything further regarding PIR or Ship/Div infor for those that arrived at boot camp 06/25, please let me know. I will do the same.

I also got the box today. It's amazing how excited I could get over a box with old clothes in it. My wife was actually taking pictures of it. Looking forward to the form letter now.

 Couldn't beleive how the box with my boys clothes and shoes made me feel. So proud of all recruits. My boy checked into Columbus Oh on 6-23-13. Got to Great Lakes Monday eve. He is Ship 12. Div 313. Looks like his PIR (graduation) will be August 23rd. I took pitcures of my boys box of clothes also. 

Very cool... Yeah I was reading a thread on Navy Moms and it is being guesstimated the PIR date will be August 23rd for this group. I'm waiting for the letter and crossing my fingers. I feel guilty, I guess I better break out the camera and take some pics of the box ;-).

Finally got the form letter. Very exciting times in our house. My son is on ship 3 / Div 316. Graduation is set for Aug 23.

Got the box and form letter...our son is Ship 12 Div 313...PIR is Aug 23rd...booked our hotel this morning.

I received the letter today as well. It is confirmed that my son is on Ship 14 Div 318. Booked flights and hotel tonight. We're very excited!!!

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