Navy Dads

This was much harder than I thought it was going to be.  We went up to Jacksonville to witness his swearing in.  There were about 7 other kids also swearing into the Navy with him.

While waiting with him in the waiting for the announcement to go to the airport he was in tears the whole time.  He was worried how he'd look to all the other recruits who were holding up just fine.  I told him that everyone feels the same way he does right now and he's not alone.  When everyone was lined up outside to board the van for the airport there wasn't a single recruit left with dry eyes.

We went home and began the wait for the phone call saying he arrived.  About midnight our time it came.  Josh talked to his mom and there wasn't enough time for me to say anything to him but that was alright.  I was happy my wife got to talk to him.

I kept myself busy until about 1am and then had to go to bed.  But before I went to bed I thought it would be a good idea to look at some pictures.  That was a really, really bad idea.  It was looking at the pictures that made me break down pretty bad.  I even went and slept in his bed that night.

The next day was pretty bad too but the more time that goes on that easier it is.  The biggest thing was how abrupt the break was from him living with us his entire life to now being on his own.  It felt like someone ripped a scab off really quickly and it didn't hurt at first but later the pain set in.

I'm expecting his first call home sometime around the middle of May and until then I'm operating under no news is good news.

I'm glad I found this site and am looking forward to sharing things with my new Navy family.

Anyone else here who's son/daughter shipped out for this class?

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Paul, I just wanted to give you some heads up.  I spoke with a former LDCR at my work.  He indicated that yes, they can fail recruits for anything which would extend the graduation date IN THE WORST CASE.  Sometimes, though, the RDCs are just messing with the recruits (i.e., they may have pulled a recruit, smeared fake blood on his nose, and had him sit with your son to see what their reaction would be) in order to pound the message home that they must obey orders. 

My coworker/former LDCR indicated that this early in the game, the RDCs may have your son redo the swim test and he'll be ok.  Not without making him sweat bullets for a few days though. 

Hey bud my son left for Great Lakes on 5-6-2013 and I know exactly what your going thru. I can't wait to get a ledger or call from him. Hope everything works out for your son and hopefully the failing of the swim test is not true.
My son got to Great Lakes May 7th.

Brandon Thompson said:
Hey bud my son left for Great Lakes on 5-6-2013 and I know exactly what your going thru. I can't wait to get a ledger or call from him. Hope everything works out for your son and hopefully the failing of the swim test is not true.

Got a second letter from Josh today.  He said that this is the closest he's ever felt to being in prison!  I'm wondering if I've failed as a father because here should have felt the closest to being in prison lol.

From the sounds of it he has a really good division.  They've had two calls home so far and after the last call they got some casual time with their 2nd RDC(?).  He told them that this is the second division he's had that actually sings and their his twelfth.  He wants to do the 5.0 drill with them, whatever that is, and if they pull it off he'll take them to "recruit heaven" a place with tv, food, video games, phones, etc.  Hopefully they guy's not messing with them too badly. ;D

Next week is hell week for them which I guess is a big inspection week.

Oh, he said the RDC told them that a lot of what their learning in basic they'll probably not use again like all the folding of clothes but my son said that this folding clothes thing was pretty convenient.  Hahaha, this from a kid who I dragged a garbage bag and a half of empty water bottles out of his room when I cleaned it out after he left.

Thanks for all the replies guys and I'm enjoying reading your stories too.  And Paul hopefully the instructor was just trying to ram a point home and doesn't really hold them back a week.

Hate missing a phone call!! PIR 21 June 2013 is looming closer and closer!! Trying to get as much info as possible!

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