Navy Dads

Ok, I have a question. I am a U.S. Army Vietnam veteran. I called up there at GL this morning. They told me that you can only shop at the NEX store if you are a retired veteran or if you are totally disabled. Considering my service to my country, this seems a little unfare.

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Shop with your sailor........

I suppose that it would have something to do with restricting access to the base. It would be impossible to maintain security if the NEX was open to everyone that ever served. As Paul suggested...just shop with your Sailor....and it is CASH ONLY....

Listed below is a summary of the general categories of authorized patrons as designated by DoD Directive 1330.21, Armed Services Exchange Regulations (ASER):

  • Active duty and their dependents: US Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Military Cadets, Midshipmen, Commissioned Officers of the Public Health Service and Commissioned Officers of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Retirees and their dependents: US Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and their Reserve components who receive retired pay, the former Lighthouse Service (officers, crew, light and depot keepers), officers and crews of vessels of the National Geodetic Survey, Commissioned Officers of the Environmental Science Service Administration, Commissioned Officers of the Public Health Service and Commissioned Officers of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • All members, and their dependents, of the Army National Guard, Air National Guard, All Reserves and PHS Reserve Officers (includes those in a non-pay status but eligible for pay at age 60)
  • Medal of Honor recipients and their dependents
  • Honorably discharged veterans of the uniformed services with a 100% service-connected disability and their dependents
  • Red Cross personnel, and their dependents, assigned to duty outside of CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico with an activity of the Military Service
  • US Civilian DoD employees, and their dependents, assigned to duty outside of CONUS, Alaska and Hawaii
  • US citizen employees of firms under contract to DoD, and their dependents, assigned to duty outside of CONUS, Alaska and Hawaii
  • Foreign country military, and their dependents, when on duty in CONUS
  • Delayed Entry Program (DEP) or Delayed Training Program (DTP) enlisted
  • US citizen employees of the Armed Forces exchanges and their dependents
  • Retired employees, and their dependents, of the Navy Exchange with 20 years or more of service
  • Local National associates, and their dependents, of overseas exchanges in accordance with local regulations and agreements
  • Official DoD Activities (for activity purchases and use only; not for individual purchases or use)
  • Non-DoD Federal Departments/Agencies (for Federal Departments/Agencies purchases and use only; not for individual purchases or use)
  • Dependents of members of the Armed Forces, Commissioned Officers of the Public Health Service, and Commissioned Officers of the NOAA, separated for Dependent Abuse

If you are unsure of your eligibility to shop the Navy Exchange, please call 1-800-NAV-EXCH.

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